Is Lui masculine or feminine?

Disjunctive pronouns

second person informal toi
formal vous
third person masculine lui
feminine elle

How do you use Leur and Lui in French?

Notice how lui and leur are used in these examples:

  1. Je lui parle. I’m speaking to him (or her)
  2. Je leur demande où sont les WC.
  3. Tu lui demandes quelque chose.
  4. Il va leur téléphoner.
  5. Je lui téléphone.
  6. Pour calmer mes enfants, je leur lis une histoire.To soothe my children, I read them a story.

What’s the difference between Lui and Leur?

Meaning and Usage The indirect object French pronouns lui and leur are used to express the idea of “to him/her” (lui) or “to them”. Not all sentences have an indirect object – only sentences where the verb is being done to someone.

What type of pronoun is Leur?

indirect object pronouns
Indirect object pronouns replace the names of people or nouns that come after the preposition à (to).

Is Lui singular or plural?

third person singular: lui, elle, soi. first person plural: nous. second person plural: vous.

Can you use Lui for a girl?

Sometimes “lui” can only mean him (male), but sometimes it can refer to a woman.

How do you use Leur in a sentence?

Leur replaces masculine or feminine nouns in the plural form: j’écris à mes parents (I’m writing to my parents) → Je leur écris (I’m writing to them)

Is leur a word?

Leur belongs to two categories of words – grammatically speaking: it can be a personal pronoun (= them) or a possessive adjective (= their). Leur as a personal pronoun = them : Here, leur is the plural form of “lui” (= to him, to her), and is an indirect personal pronoun.

Can Lui mean her?

In French, lui is the indirect object pronoun for both him and her. It is used for verbs following the preposition à, which means to or at.

How do you use Leur in French?

Indirect object pronouns replace the names of people or nouns that come after the preposition à (to). For example: I gave it to James – I gave it to him….What are indirect object pronouns: lui, leur?

French English
Lui To him/her
Nous To us
Vous To you
Leur To them