Is Legion a good movie?

Legion was incredibly entertaining! The action was wicked and intense, the characters were fun and intriguing, it was gory and action packed so despite everything else I had fun. You basically have to let go of everything to go into this film.

What is Legion the movie about?

For the patrons and staff at a dusty roadside diner, the day begins as usual, but when the phones go out and a sweet old lady goes on the attack, it’s a harbinger of the terror to come. As the horrifying nature of the situation sinks in, help arrives in the form of the archangel Michael (Paul Bettany), who tells a pregnant waitress that her unborn baby is humanity’s last hope, and he will do anything to protect it.Legion / Film synopsis

Is the 2020 movie Legion based on a true story?

What’s the Story? Inspired by true events, THE LEGION takes place in 62 A.D. Roman troops have invaded Parthia but demonstrate poor strategy. Two legions are isolated in the snowy Armenian mountains, surrounded by Parthian patrols and slowly freezing to death.

Is there a Legion movie?

The Legion is a 2020 Spanish-American action adventure film directed by Jose Magan, and featuring Mickey Rourke and Bai Ling. It is based on the war between Rome and Parthian Empire in Armenia from 58 to 63 AD. It is Magán’s directorial debut.

Is Legion scary?

Although Legion is a superhero show, it finds a lot of its appeal in horror. There’s the more traditional horror — like the demon with the yellow eyes, which has quickly become an obsession among Legion fans — as well as more psychological horror.

Will Legion join the MCU?

MCU Phase 4 Has 3 Perfect Opportunities To Set Up Legion For Phase 5. As the MCU prepares to move into Phase 5, the franchise has several opportunities to introduce one of the X-Men’s most powerful characters, Legion.

What was special about the baby in Legion?

The pregnant woman is carrying the child who’s meant to be the second coming of Christ. God has decided he’s had enough of mankind so he’s sent his angels to kill the woman, prevent the second coming, and end the world.

Where was legion filmed?

Principal photography took place in New Mexico in the spring of 2008. The Director of Photography was John Lindley.

Is there a legion 2 movie?

Back in January, director Scott Stewart’s “Legion” movie, starring Paul Bettany, has been released in theaters. It went on to gross $67 million in worldwide ticket sales on a $26 million budget.

Is there a Legion 2 movie?

Is Legion inappropriate?

This show should be for those 18 and up. Drug scenes are also interwoven throughout the show. If anyone has issues with mental health, psychiatric disabilities or any kind of mental disorder, or suicidal tendencies, then avoid watching this show.

Is Legion gory?

Legion is rated R by the MPAA for strong bloody violence, and language.