Is krait neurotoxic?

Common krait (Bungarus caeruleus) is distributed throughout South Asia, and is responsible for large numbers of cases of severe neurotoxic envenoming each year[4]. It results in a descending flaccid paralysis progressing to life threatening respiratory paralysis unless mechanical ventilation is available[5–7].

What happens when krait bite?

The bite of krait is deceptive, while the local symptoms are minimum it has severe degree of venomation (injection of venom into human body). In most of the cases the victim gets severe stomach pain and vomiting and even if he/she is taken to a doctor, the victim is treated for the stomach pain.

How does krait snake venom work?

The venom of kraits contains three major types of neurotoxin. α-Bungarotoxins cause a failure of neuromuscular transmission by binding to post-synaptic nAChR at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ).

Can you survive a krait bite?

Common krait (Bungarus caeruleus) and cobra (Naja naja) are important snakes causing neuroparalysis in North India. Despite severe neuroparalysis, patients who receive antivenin and ventilator support in time recover completely.

Is a krait bite painless?

If the victim is in deep sleep, a Krait bite will often be missed due to its painless nature. Fang marks are not visible as Krait has very short fangs and there is no local swelling or necrosis.

Which is worse neurotoxin or hemotoxin?

Neurotoxins affect the nervous system, cytotoxins affect cells and hemotoxins effect blood and organs. The way each of these toxins interact with the body is biochemically unique. Neurotoxins are by far the deadliest of the toxins. Since they target and destroy nerves they can cause paralysis, seizures and death.

Can we sleep if snake bite?

Actually in tropical countries neurotoxic bites are rampant. The neurological symptoms like posts, early respiratory distress are likely to be masked due to deep sleep. Sometimes they die in sleep. So sleeping is forbidden after snake bite.

Does krait bite hurt?

Krait and sea snake bites maybe virtually painless. Local swelling : Viper bites produce more intense local reaction than other snakes. Swelling may become apparent within 15 minutes and becomes massive in 2-3 days.

Is common krait aggressive?

It is reluctant to bite, but when it does, it typically holds on for a while, which enables it to inject considerable amounts of venom. It may become aggressive at night if threatened, since this is its active time. It is responsible for the second-highest number of snake bites in India for a single species.

How is Hemotoxin treated?

The only specific therapy available for treating snakebite is antivenom. Antivenom consists of polyclonal antibodies that are generated by immunising animals (horses or sheep) with small amounts of snake venom.