Is Knothole Island free?

One is called the Knothole Island free version, while the other one is the premium version. Both are downloadable contents that give the player lots of additional items, like the knight’s boots, gloves of the assassin, a weight loss elixir, and other amazing sought after items.

Is Fable 2 DLC free?

There is a Free & “Premium” version of both of these DLC’s on the Xbox 360 Xbox LIVE Marketplace (as of March 2020).

How do I get to Knothole Island Fable 2?

Follow the glowing trail into town. Inside one of the first buildings, you’ll find the Chieftan of Knothole Island who explains his peoples’ plight and suggests looking for the Ice Key buried near a chilled lake.

How do you activate the totem in Fable 2?

When you enter the chamber, you will be ambushed by two separate waves of Hollow Men. After you have defeated them, the Storm Totem will appear in the middle of the chamber. Activate it, and it will start to rain. The totem will then fly up into the air and disappear.

Is Fable 2 on Game Pass?

Fable II is available now on Xbox Game Pass.

Does Fable 3 DLC?

Fable III Downloadable Content (a.k.a. Fable III DLC) is extra content released by Lionhead Studios for Fable III through Xbox Live, and previously, Games for Windows Live.

Where is Knothole Knight armor?

Gear Locations

  • Boots: You can get them when you meet Gordon as a gift.
  • Trousers: Ice Shrine.
  • Gauntlets: Sun Shrine.
  • Shirt: Sun Shrine.
  • Shoulder Armour (Coat): Storm Shrine.
  • Helmet: Storm Shrine.

Is Fable 2 a good game?

Fable II delivers on this promise much better than the first game, although the good-evil distinctions are still not especially subtle. Although some technical glitches and bad design decisions hurt the final product, this is still an excellent RPG. My choice of the “good” path was not out of some moral obligation.