Is Kirito in Alo?

Kirigaya Kazuto (桐ヶ谷 和人, Kirigaya Kazuto?), born as Narusaka Kazuto ( 鳴坂 和人 なるさか かずと , Narusaka Kazuto?), and known as Kirito (キリト, Kirito?) in «Sword Art Online» (SAO), «ALfheim Online» (ALO), «Gun Gale Online» (GGO), «Project Alicization», and Unital Ring, is the protagonist of the main Sword Art Online series.

How old is Kirito in Alo?


Kirigaya Kazuto
Series Sword Art Online
Age 14-5 (Aincrad Arc) 16 (end of Aincrad Arc; Fairy Dance Arc) 17 (Phantom Bullet Arc; Alicization Arc)
Birthday October 7, 2008
Sex Male

Who is Kiritos true love?

Asuna is Kirito’s partner and main love interest in the series. Among all the people Kirito has met, she is the closest and dearest to him. Originally the two of them only thought of clearing the game, but their relationship began when they partied on the 1st Floor.

How old is Yui in SAO?

around 12

Age (perceived visual) around 12
Birthdate 2022-2024
Gender Female AI
Family Kirito, Asuna as in-game foster parents
Affiliation Cardinal System of the original SAO

What sword did Yui use?

After Yui accidentally made contact with the GM console in the safe room of the Hidden Dungeon, she regained her memory and summoned the Object Eraser, which she used to easily defeat the guardian of the dungeon, The Fatal Scythe, which was threatening the lives of Kirito and Asuna.

Is Yui a vampire?

In one of the Kanato endings in Haunted Dark Bridal, Yui is transformed into a vampire by Kanato. In one of the Subaru endings, it is only implied that Yui turned into a vampire. Due to a mistranslation by fansubbers, they translated Chichinashi (Breastless) as Pancake.