Is kecap manis the same as dark soy sauce?

Black Soy Sauce and Kecap Manis. Black soy sauce and kecap manis are both sweet soy sauces. By sweet, I really mean it – it’s thick and viscous and basically a syrup. Black soy sauce is a little saltier than kecap manis, but it shouldn’t make too much of a difference when cooking.

How do you use kecap manis?

Make a spicy-sweet tomato jam (using either canned or fresh), then fry up some toast, drizzle with kecap manis, and mash the tomato mixture over top. Dribble on avocado toast or scrambled egg tacos. Thin it with sesame oil, then use it to flavor a tofu scramble.

How do you cook bakmi goreng?


  1. Place noodles in a deep bowl and cover with boiling water. Allow to stand for 2 – 3 minutes until separated.
  2. Heat remaining oil.
  3. Add chili and soy sauces and sesame oil.
  4. Garnish with fried onion.
  5. Your bakmi goreng dish is ready to enjoy!
  6. Note: You can also garnish the dish with some hard boiled egg.

Can I substitute kecap manis for soy sauce?

Can I use soy sauce instead of kecap manis? Absolutely you can. You’ll also need to add some sweetness so try with either honey, maple syrup or sugar in the ratios mentioned above.

What is kecap manis in English?

Sweet soy sauce
Sweet soy sauce (Indonesian: kecap manis) is a sweetened aromatic soy sauce, originating in Indonesia, which has a darker color, a viscous syrupy consistency and a molasses-like flavor due to the generous addition of palm sugar or jaggery.

Which soy sauce is best for noodles?

As a general rule, it’s light soy for dipping (or for use in any recipe that simply calls for ‘soy sauce’), dark soy or the even richer, molasses-like black soy to coat fried noodles, greens, or pork belly, and sweet soy for final drizzling on a staples like fried rice, or again, fried noodles (one can never have …

Is thick soy sauce kecap manis?

Kecap means soy sauce in Indonesian, and the most popular type of kecap is kecap manis, which is a thick soy sauce sweetened with palm sugar. This dark, rich soy sauce is the key flavoring in popular Indonesian dishes like nasi goreng and satay.

What does kecap manis taste like?

Kecap Manis does have a flavor profile quite similar to soy sauce and can be considered as a dark, sweet form of the latter. Where regular soy sauce is thin, watery, and extremely salty in flavor, Kecap Manis tends to be much thicker, glossier, and sweeter thanks to the addition of brown or palm sugar.

Can you use Ketjap Manis instead of soy sauce?

What flavour is mi goreng noodles?

For those who love spicy food, Indomie Mi Goreng Stir Fry Spicy Noodles offers the perfect combination of spices, chili, and crispy fried onion that will awake all your senses and add sizzle to your palate.

Is Mee Goreng healthy?

This is a very high-calorie dish that may be difficult to fit into your diet if you are trying to lose weight. Since the main ingredient of Indomie Mi Goreng is the instant noodle, this food is mainly made up of carbohydrates which can be detrimental if you eat too much.