Is Julie Giroux still alive?

Julie Giroux currently resides in Madison, Mississippi and continues to compose, orchestrate and arrange for television, movies, video games, wind bands and orchestras.

Where was Julie Giroux born?

Fairhaven, MAJulie Giroux / Place of birthFairhaven is a town in Bristol County, Massachusetts, United States. It is located on the South Coast of Massachusetts where the Acushnet River flows into Buzzards Bay, an arm of the Atlantic Ocean. Wikipedia

Where did JULIE Giroux grow up?

Julie Ann Giroux was born 1961 in Fairhaven, Massachusetts, and raised in Phoenix, Arizona and Monroe, Louisiana.

What has Julie Giroux done?

Julie Giroux is best known as a composer for modern Wind Ensemble and Symphonic band music. Her television, film & video game credits date back to 1984 and continue to this day. Julie has received many prestigious awards over her career which includes Emmy Awards.

Where did Julie Giroux go to college?

Louisiana State University
Ouachita Parish High School
Julie Giroux/Education

What does Omar Thomas play?

Omar Abdul Thomas (born February 27, 1982) is an American former professional basketball player.

What instrument did Julie Giroux play?

Julie is an accomplished horn and piano performer who began playing the piano at age 3. Her first piece was published when she was just 8 years old.

What instrument does Julie Giroux play?

Where is Omar Thomas from?

Thomas was born in Philadelphia. Having taken the first steps to Strawberry Mansion High School and at Panola Junior College (Texas), passes to the prestigious University of Texas El Paso (UTEP), taking leave in 2005 with figures of all respect.

Where did Omar Thomas go to college?

Born to Guyanese parents in Brooklyn, New York in 1984, Omar moved to Boston in 2006 to pursue a Master of Music in Jazz Composition at the New England Conservatory of Music after studying Music Education at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia.

When was Omar Thomas composer born?

. 1984
Biography. Omar Thomas (b. 1984, Brooklyn, N.Y.) is an American composer, arranger and educator.