Is Jane Eyre worth watching?

The new Jane Eyre is notably well-made in almost every respect and should you want to watch an adaptation of the story just now, highly recommendable. September 9, 2011 | Rating: 4/5 | Full Review… The film should only cement the growing reputation of Wasikowska. September 12, 2020 | Rating: 3.0/4.0 | Full Review…

Is Jane Eyre movie scary?

Review: Cary Fukunaga’s ‘Jane Eyre’ is a Near-Scary Romantic Thriller |

Who played Jane Eyre the best?

#1 Jane Eyre (2006) While it’s the actors cast as Rochester who often stand out in many past adaptations, here, Ruth Wilson truly shines as Jane – finally capturing all the nuances of the character from the novel. Ruth Wilson IS Jane and gives an award-worthy performance bringing Jane’s emotional complexity to life.

Which is the best Pride and Prejudice?

1 Pride And Prejudice (1995) – 8.9 Darcy. Plus, Jennifer Ehle’s performance as Lizzie was no less iconic than Firth’s, and the two share wonderful chemistry together. It’s perfect for purists and casual fans alike, and to this day the Pride And Prejudice 1995 adaptation remains the best Pride And Prejudice movie.

What age is Jane Eyre for?

The book can be enjoyed at any age — but the same can be said of YA literature in general. According to a 2012 study, more than half the buyers of YA books are over 18. Surely the best time to read Jane Eyre is as a young adult.

Is the Jane Eyre movie similar to the book?

Think about the events that lead up to Edward Rochester meeting Jane Eyre. Rochester injures his ankle when he falls off his horse which leads to him meeting Jane at the house. This film scene is taken directly from the book. The portrayal of Edward Rochester is generally similar in the movie and the book.

Which Pride and Prejudice movie is most historically accurate?

So, the big reveal is that the 1995 version is more accurate, although I may be biased because I love Colin Firth. Overall both adaptations have merit and what the 2005 movie lacks in accuracy it makes up for in artistic decisions and the fact that Kiera Knightley is a goddess.