Is ITNT grammatically correct?

For the past indicative second person and all plural forms, use were. “They were in the stadium,” and “You were standing the whole game.” Also use were for the hypothetical or fantastical subjunctive mood for both singular and plural forms, as in “If they were to bring back popcorn, I would eat it.”

Is hopefully misused?

Hopefully means “in a hopeful manner.” We looked hopefully to the future. Some usage experts object to the use of hopefully as a sentence adverb, apparently on grounds of clarity. To be safe, avoid using hopefully in sentences such as the following: Hopefully, your son will recover soon.

What is grammatically incorrect?

To say something is grammatically incorrect would be like saying it is “right wrong” or “correct incorrect”. The term ungrammatical, on the other hand, suggests the phrase/word is not grammatical or does not follow the rules of grammar.

Is and was past tense?

Simple past tense of to be, to have, to do

Subject Verb
I was did
You were did
He/She/It was did
We were did

Why is hopefully wrong?

Hopefully is an adverb which means what it ought to [italics mine]–“full of hope” or “characterized by hope.” It normally modifies verbs. Nonstandard English sometimes substitutes the word hopefully for I hope (or some other subject with the verb hope). Incorrect: Hopefully, they will come in time.

What can I use instead of hopefully?


  • confidently.
  • surely.
  • expectantly.
  • positively.
  • sanguinely.
  • trustfully.
  • trustingly.
  • with confidence.

What are the 10 common errors in English?

Common English Grammar Mistakes

  • 1) Present and Past Tense.
  • 2) How To Avoid the Overuse of Adverbs.
  • 3) Your/You’re.
  • 4) Misplacing Apostrophes.
  • 5) There / Their /They’re.
  • 6) Confusing similar spellings and words.
  • 7) Using incomplete comparisons.
  • 8) Getting adjectives and adverbs confused.

Is it in August or on August?

Hi! I think the correct preposition is “in August”, when u aren’t talking about a specific date.