Is it rediculous or ridiculous?
Is it rediculous or ridiculous?
Which spelling is right—ridiculous or rediculous? The correct spelling is ridiculous. Because of the way it’s pronounced, sometimes people spell it with an E—rediculous, but that’s a misspelling.
Is ridiculous a positive word?
Ridiculous is also a slang term that means “unbelievable or amazing.” It can refer to things that are unbelievably good or unbelievably bad.
Is there a word ridiculousness?
The quality of being laughable or comical: comedy, comicality, comicalness, drollery, drollness, farcicality, funniness, humor, humorousness, jocoseness, jocosity, jocularity, ludicrousness, wit, wittiness, zaniness.
What is the similar meaning of ridiculous?
Some common synonyms of ridiculous are comical, comic, laughable, and ludicrous. While all these words mean “provoking laughter or mirth,” ridiculous suggests extreme absurdity, foolishness, or contemptibility.
How do you say ridiculous in a British accent?
Break ‘ridiculous’ down into sounds: [RI] + [DIK] + [YUH] + [LUHS] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.
How do you use ridiculous in a sentence?
Ridiculous sentence example
- It was ridiculous to be so frightened of something.
- It was ridiculous to fight with him this way.
- Sometimes it took a ridiculous simile to make a point.
- It was ridiculous to be suspicious of him.
- It was ridiculous to stand here, trying to match wits with such a polished salesman.
How do you use ridiculous?
Is ridiculous a adjective?
RIDICULOUS (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.
What is the verb form of ridiculous?
ridicule. (transitive) to criticize or disapprove of someone or something through scornful jocularity; to make fun of.
How do you use ridiculousness in a sentence?
1. The ridiculousness of the situation made us laugh. 2. This was sublime ridiculousness, to give away a blood-soiled shirt to a walking corpse.
What is the root word of ridiculous?
The adjective ridiculous comes from the Latin word ridere, which means “to laugh,” but it’s also related to the word ridicule, which means to mock in a cruel way.
How do you speak ridiculous?
Here are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of ‘ridiculous’:
- Break ‘ridiculous’ down into sounds: [RI] + [DIK] + [YUH] + [LUHS] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.
- Record yourself saying ‘ridiculous’ in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.