Is it OK to give chocolate to babies?

Cacao and chocolate products often contain caffeine and sugar—two ingredients that should be minimized in an infant’s diet. Babies under 12 months of age should not be given cacao or chocolate drinks—or any drink other than breast/human milk, formula, or small amounts of water.

What happens if a baby has chocolate?

While an occasional bite of chocolate may not cause harm, giving your baby a lot of chocolate from a young age could put him at risk of developing chronic illnesses like diabetes and obesity. Therefore, chocolate should only be given in moderation.

Can a 1 year old have chocolate?

Most experts suggest not introducing sweets for the first year of your child’s life. You want them to develop a taste for other, healthier food items first. But realistically, there are no specific medical guidelines for introducing chocolate to your baby.

Can a 6 month old have chocolate?

Although chocolate is delicious, it is not recommended for babies under two years of age as it contains refined sugars and caffeine, which could have negative effects on your baby (1). Despite this, having worked with parents for many years, I know that chocolate is often given before the second birthday.

Can a 6 month old have white chocolate?

Digestion. Babies are designed to take in breast milk or formula for the first four to six months of life. A baby’s digestive system can’t handle solid foods, including chocolate, for up to six months.

Can 9 month old eat chocolate?

What chocolate is best for babies?

If you choose to offer chocolate to your baby, be aware that whole pieces of chocolate can be choking risk (6). The safest and best way to introduce chocolate to your baby is by giving them chocolate milk. The reason for this is because chocolate milk contains less caffeine and as a liquid, it also is less of a hazard.

Can babies eat chocolate at 4 months?

Although chocolate is delicious, it is not recommended for babies under two years of age as it contains refined sugars and caffeine, which could have negative effects on your baby (1).

Can babies eat chocolate at 9 months?