Is it better to spare or kill Sinding?

Do not kill Sinding. Help him kill the Hunters, exit the cave, Hircine will greet you, quickly exit the conversation if Sinding has exited the grotto with you, kill and skin Sinding and another spirit of Hircine will greet you rewarding you with the Savior’s Hide.

How do you kill werewolf in Skyrim?

Tips on taking out werewolves and werebears | Fandom. Tip 1: use ranged and magic to pick them off from a distance, they will be easier to kill far away from you I suggest using endgame shouts and spells if your a mage or daedric arrows with a daedric bow as an archer.

How do you complete the blood ritual in Skyrim?

Participate in the blood ritual Simply step up to the basin, the Underforge Fountain, and drink the blood. Your vision will black out and you will awaken outside in wolf form. Just do whatever you please until you black out again. You will be awoken by Aela who has plans to celebrate your induction into the Circle.

What is a werewolf weak to?

Weaknesses. Silver – A werewolf’s main weakness is their vulnerability to silver or any object containing silver, as they can be killed or harmed with a variety of silver objects like silver stakes, knives, bullets, axes, letter openers, handcuffs, spoons, forks, etc, even the mere contact with silver will hurt them.

Can silver kill a werewolf?

Traditionally a silver bullet is supposed to kill a werewolf. Vampires are not particularly affected by silver bullets. Traditionally what kills vampires is a wooden steak through the heart. Now that doesn’t affect my vampires, but that’s what kills the run-of-the-mill, all-world vampires.

Can you save the hunters from Sinding?

If spared, it seems Sinding is ultimately unable to control his beast blood. If the option to spare Sinding is taken, even if the Dragonborn turned around and killed him as well to complete the quest both ways, he can appear later in a random encounter as a hostile werewolf fighting a guard from the local hold.

Does Silver hurt werewolves Skyrim?

Silver weapons have the special ability: Especially effective against undead. When used against the Undead such as Draugr, Skeleton, and Dragon Priests the base damage of the weapons is increased by 20 points. Despite the description, Werewolves and Spiders are affected as well.

What are werewolves weak to Skyrim?

They have a weakness to silver weapons, but are incredibly strong, very fast, and are immune to diseases and paralysis effects. You can become a werewolf through a ritual during The Companions questline. In Skyrim, several named NPCs are werewolves.

What’s better werewolf or Vampire Skyrim?

At lower levels, Werewolf is maybe a better choice, because it’s easier to level up, and Vampire Lord won’t have as many advantages. However overall, Vampire Lord is a complete power trip. At level 46+ you get an extra 250 health, 200 magicka and 100 stamina.