Is IB Chemistry SL easy?

IB Chemistry SL is on the upper side of difficult SL classes. If you’re rather savvy in the sciences, IB Chemistry shouldn’t be all too challenging for you. If you struggle with science, IB Chemistry SL will be hard and perhaps you shouldn’t take it.

What is the hardest IB Chem topic?

According to the experience of most IB Chemistry students, they will arrange the difficulty of the topics in order from EASIEST to HARDEST as follows: Energetics and Thermochemistry (Topic 5) Atomic Structure (Topic 2) Periodicity (Topic 3)

Is data booklet allowed in Chemistry Paper 1?

Paper 1 – SL & HL 20% You are not allowed a calculator or data booklet. However, you are allowed a periodic table. 30 marks: 30 multiple choice.

Is chemistry IB difficult?

IB Chemistry is really hard. For most students, it will probably be their hardest IB class. I’m going to put that out there right now. If you hate chemistry, if you are not a science-oriented person, or hate the idea of being in a science class, do not take IB Chemistry.

Why is IB physics so hard?

IB Physics requires advanced problem-solving skills. It requires an underpinning of maths and problem-solving ability before you even think about the physics involved.

How many topics are there in IB chemistry?

Both IB Chemistry SL and HL cover the first 11 topics (a total of 95 hours), and HL additionally covers topics 12 to 21 (an additional 60 hours). For both levels, you’ll also study one of the four options A-D (15 hours for SL, 25 hours for HL).

How hard is chemistry HL?

HL Math And HL Chemistry are known to be the hardest subjects in the IB Diploma so it will be a tough course for you.

How many marks are in Chem HL paper 2?

There are 95 marks available in 135 minutes, which now comes to about 1 minute 25 seconds per mark. You would be expected to spend 30 minutes on Section A and 45 minutes on the Option.

How many papers are there in IB chemistry?

The external assessment of chemistry consists of three written papers. In paper 1 there are 30 (at SL) or 40 (at HL) multiple-choice questions. Paper 2 contains short-answer and extended-response questions on the core (and Additional Higher Level (AHL) material at HL).