Is Holy paladin good in Torghast?

Inside Torghast, enemy health is reduced when playing healer and tank specializations. Holy Paladin has always had exceptional damage output for a healer spec, making it a very strong choice for Torghast.

Can you solo as holy paladin?

Holy Paladin unfortunately does not have any strong solo leveling PvP talents. Most of their benefits will only be seen while playing in group content.

What is the best covenant for Holy paladin?

Best Holy Paladin Covenants for Mythic+ Similar to raiding, your best choices are Venthyr and Necrolord. What you play may depend on your group composition and if you need a Necrolord, or Venthyr. But the preference generally is Venthyr, but Necrolord and Kyrian are both good.

How does AOE heal as holy paladin?

To heal raid damage, make use of your spells as follows.

  1. Keep.
  2. Use.
  3. Cast Crusader Strike (if Crusader’s Might is selected) as often as possible for Holy Power and to reduce the cooldown of.
  4. Cast.
  5. Using.
  6. Make sure to use Judgment on the target on cooldown, to keep maximum uptime on.
  7. Use.
  8. Use.

What paladin spec is best for Torghast?

Level 15 Talents

  • Holy Shield or.
  • Blessed Hammer are both good options for Torghast.
  • Holy Shield will provide more versatile damage reduction, however.
  • Blessed Hammer will let you generate Holy Power between packs of enemies.

What are the best heirlooms for a paladin?

Plate BOA’s will even count as mail items for the first 40 levels, so there is no need to buy more than one BOA because of the armor requirements….The Paladin Heirloom Thread (4.3)

Slot Item Enchant
Helm Burnished Helm of Might see list
Sholders Burnished Pauldrons of Might see list
Chest Burnished Breastplate of Might Major Health