Is Here I Am Lord copyrighted?

We sing hymns and songs that become part of the fabric of our lives—“Holy, Holy” (in Heritage Mass), “Here I Am, Lord,” “On Eagle’s Wings.” Just a few of the titles that help our hearts feel the beauty of Mass—all of them protected by copyright.

What does OneLicense cover?

Through ONE LICENSE, License Holders have access to thousands of congregational hymns, songs, and service music from today’s top liturgical music publishers to use in worship aids, service bulletins, and projections to inspire congregational singing.

What is the difference between one license and CCLI?

While there may be a small overlap, generally OneLicense represents the catalogs of sacred music publishers, while CCLI represents a broader, more ecumenical list.

What is OCP religion?

Oregon Catholic Press (OCP, originally the Catholic Truth Society of Oregon) is a major publisher of Catholic liturgical music based in Portland, Oregon….Oregon Catholic Press.

Founded 1922
Official website

How long before a hymn is in public domain?

Once a copyright is created, protection generally lasts for 70 years after the death of the author and in some cases 95 years from publication or 120 years from creation. That’s a long time! After that time, the copyright protection ceases and the underlying work becomes public domain.

Are church songs copyrighted?

While churches are typically permitted to play and perform copyrighted songs during worship services, the law generally only extends to live, in-person performances. Another license is often required to play, perform, or otherwise use any copyrighted material in a recording or broadcast.

How much is a streaming license?

Bundle with Podcast / Streaming

Category Average Weekly Attendance Cost
A 1 to 25 118.00 USD
B 26 to 100 200.00 USD
C 101 to 200 300.00 USD
D 201 to 400 380.00 USD

How much is a CCLI license?

The CCLI license starts at $50 for churches with congregations of less than 25 and goes up to $750 for churches up to 99,999.

Does CCLI license cover YouTube?

In 2011, CCLI added the Streaming License as a supplement to our Copyright License. It is primarily intended to cover the live service webcasts on your church’s website; however it also covers third-party social media platforms, like YouTube and Facebook.

What is an OCP artist?

Artists, Authors and Composers of Oregon Catholic Press Hailing from all over the world, including the United Kingdom, Canada, Spain Australia, Latin America and the US, these individuals bring decades of pastoral ministry experience and incredible artistic gifts.