Is granulation is caused by convection currents just below the photosphere?

Granulation is caused by rising currents of hot gas below the photosphere.

What causes granulation of the photosphere?

Close-up views of the photosphere also show patterns of light areas surrounded by darker borders, called “granulation.” Similar to the patterns you can see at the top of a pot of boiling water or oatmeal, granulation is caused by heat rising upward to the photosphere from the hotter solar interior.

What features of a granulation cell indicate that it is a small site of convection?

The outer edge of the granules is darker due to the cooler descending plasma. In addition to the visible appearance, which would be explained by convective motion, Doppler shift measurements of the light from individual granules provides evidence for the convective nature of the granules.

What is the difference between granules and Supergranules?

They are both convective regions, but they have different shapes and sizes. Granules are characterized by vertical flows. Supergranules, while driven vertically, can be seen primarily as large horizontal motions. Supergranules are each about 18,6000 miles (30,000 kilometers) across.

What is granulation and how is it caused?

Granulation tissue is new connective tissue and microscopic blood vessels that form on the surfaces of a wound during the healing process. Granulation tissue typically grows from the base of a wound and is able to fill wounds of almost any size.

What occurs in the convection zone?

A region of turbulent plasma between a star’s core and its visible photosphere at the surface, through which energy is transferred by convection. In the convection zone, hot plasma rises, cools as it nears the surface, and falls to be heated and rise again.

What happens in the convection zone of the Sun?

In the convection zone, photons are transferred to the photosphere through convection currents. The gases are heated near the radiative zone and are lighter than the gases near the cooler photosphere. The heated gas rises and the cooler gases sink, creating convection currents.

What is the meaning of granulation?

Definition of granulation 1 : the act or process of granulating : the condition of being granulated. 2 : one of the minute red granules of new capillaries formed on the surface of a wound in healing.

What causes granular tissue?

Granulation tissue formation is part of a normal healing process. Under certain conditions, such as infection, self-mutilation, or a local reaction to a chronically implanted, foreign material, this tissue grows uncontrollably and becomes very vascular and secretive.

What makes up granulation tissue?

The granulation tissue itself is made up of extracellular matrix, proteoglycans, hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastin. Cytokines and growth factors, interleukins, and angiogenesis factors are active during this time, which can continue anywhere from days to weeks under normal circumstances.