Is Gary Indiana still unsafe?

That year there were 129 murders, bringing Gary to the top of violent cities in the US, for a high number of murders per capita. While Gary has improved since the ’90s, it’s still considered a dangerous city, and it’s nowhere near the bustling city it once was.

What is up with Gary Indiana?

As of 2018, about 75,000 people still live in Gary, Indiana. But the town is struggling to stay alive. Jobs at Gary Works — almost 50 years after the first layoffs in the 1970s — are still being cut, and about 36 percent of Gary residents live in poverty.

Do gangs have leaders?

Different gangs and criminal syndicates have various roles and members. Most are typically divided into: Boss: known in some groups as leader, elder, don, oyabun, or original gangster, is the one who has control over the movement, plans, and actions of a gang. Gang leaders are the upper echelons of the gang’s command.

Are there gangs in Columbus GA?

According to Muscogee County Sheriff Greg Countryman there are 168 different gangs in Columbus alone and hundreds of gang members in the jail and out on the streets. A lifestyle often ending in one of two ways – death or prison.

What is the smell in Gary Indiana?

Most people remember Gary because they drove through it on the interstate during a family vacation, holding their noses with the windows rolled up tight to keep out the rotten-egg smell. The fact is, some cities stink, and odor affects the image of a place.

How rough is Gary Indiana?

The city of Gary, Indiana is an abandoned, desolate place, and one of the most dangerous towns in the United States today. The city of Gary, Indiana is an abandoned, desolate place, one of the most dangerous in the United States. Amongst the decay and the danger photographer Matthew Smith documents a city in crisis.

How many gangs are in Columbus?

Using data and intelligence provided by Columbus police, Kennedy and his team found there are 17 active street gangs in Columbus. The report charts those active street gangs across the city, how big they are, and where they operate.