Is Garudamon a girl?
Is Garudamon a girl?
Trivia. In Digimon Adventure, Birdramon is the Digivolved form of Birdramon and Garudamon’s gender isfemale, but in Digimon Data Squad, Garudamon Digivolves from Aquilamon and Garudamon’s gender is male.
How strong is Garudamon?
Garudamon is #217, and is an Ultimate-level, Speed-class, Bird-species Digimon with a resistance to the Wind element and weakness to the Thunder element. Its basic stats are 215 HP, 250 MP, 128 Attack, 99 Defense, 116 Spirit, 115 Speed, and 50 Aptitude.
What does Birdramon evolve into?
Birdramon is a Fire Vaccine type, Champion level Digimon. It digivolves from Biyomon and Solarmon and can digivolve into Garudamon, AeroVeedramon, and Agunimon. If the poop gauge hits max, it will digivolve into PlatinumSukamon.
Is Silphymon male or female?
Silphymon has the mind of both male and female ergo its gender is non-binary.
What is the name of Valkyrimon Golden Bird?
Flare is a digital lifeform. It is a golden bird who accompanies Valkyrimon, which it informs if danger approaches.
What does Wormmon Digivolve into?
Wormmon is a Nature Neutral type, Rookie level Digimon. It digivolves from Kokomon and Motimon and can digivolve into Stingmon, Kuwagamon, Kabuterimon, and Devimon.
How do I get Silphymon?
Silphymon digivolves from Gatomon or Aquilamon and can digivolve into Valkyrimon or AncientKazemon. In order to digivolve or degenerate into Silphymon, your Digimon must be at least level 35 with 120 speed, but only once you have revived Silphymon, Aquilamon, and Gatomon.
What does Aquilamon evolve into?
Aquilamon is a Wind Free Type, Champion level Digimon and uses 8 memory. It digivolves from Biyomon, Hawkmon and Falcomon can digivolve to AeroVeedramon, Garudamon, Crowmon, HippoGryphonmon, and can DNA Digivolve to Silphymon with Gatomon.
Is Biyomon a girl?
Biyomon’s gender is male, but in Digimon Adventure, Biyomon Digivolves to Birdramon, and Biyomon’s gender is female.