Is Garamond an acceptable font?

Amongst designers – especially print designers – Garamond is considered one of the best fonts in existence. It’s timeless, and very readable.

What is the best font for a poster?

Because they are simple to see from a distance, serif fonts are a suitable choice for posters. Arial, Helvetica, and Verdana are examples of popular sans serif fonts. Script typefaces can be used for posters as well, but they should be utilized with caution because they are difficult to read.

What is the Garamond font used for?

book printing
Garamond is a group of many serif typefaces, named for sixteenth-century Parisian engraver Claude Garamond, generally spelled as Garamont in his lifetime. Garamond-style typefaces are popular and particularly often used for book printing and body text.

Is Garamond professional?

There are a few Serif fonts, however, that are still accepted among employers as simple and professional—Cambria, Garamond, Times New Roman and Didot.

What is the best font size for a poster board?

24-36pt font
Using 24-36pt font for your poster font size is a good place to start. Edit and trim the text as needed, and adjust the font size until it fits well in your selected space. As for legibility, the following sizes are a good starting point: To be legible 6 feet use 30 pt.

How can I make my poster stand out?

Tips on Making Your Poster Stand Out

  1. Simplicity is beauty.
  2. Give focus to your main design.
  3. Choose an eye-catching headline.
  4. Use high-quality photos.
  5. Select a powerful image.
  6. Choose your colour scheme wisely.
  7. Use contrast.
  8. Add a memorable call to action.

What font size is readable 3 feet away?

Letter Height Font Size Equivalent Recommended Maximum Distance
2” 144 pt. 75′
3” 216 pt. 100′
4” 288 pt. 150′
5” 360 pt. 175′