Is future science a good journal?

Future Science OA Rank and SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) The overall rank of Future Science OA is 6567. According to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), this journal is ranked 0.724. SCImago Journal Rank is an indicator, which measures the scientific influence of journals.

Is Future Science peer reviewed journal?

All Future Science Group journals operate double-blind peer review, and ensure that all original research and review articles are assessed by a minimum of two experts.

Is Future Medicine a predatory Journal?

In 2016, the company sold several of its journals to OMICS Publishing Group, who moved them to Pulsus Group, a company they recently acquired. OMICS is widely regarded as predatory publisher.

Who Owns future science?

James Drake – Chairman
James Drake – Chairman I am the Founder and Chairman of Future Science Group, focusing on breakthrough medical, biotechnological and scientific research, as well as a number of philanthropic initiatives.

What is the future of science?

Science will continue to surprise us with what it discovers and creates; then it will astound us by devising new methods to surprises us. At the core of science’s self-modification is technology. New tools enable new structures of knowledge and new ways of discovery.

What is future scientist?

The program was designed with the aim to provide for the specialized needs of gifted students, by enriching their scientific knowledge, exposing them to scientific research at a high level, and providing them with the skills required to formulate their own independent scientific research and implement it at a level …

Is Future Medicine a reliable source?

Through a rigorous peer-review process, Future Science Group titles aim to ensure that articles are unbiased, scientifically accurate and clinically relevant. Articles are peer reviewed by three or more members of the International Editorial Board or other specialists selected on the basis of experience and expertise.

What are the subjects in science group?

Detailed information about the subjects in the Science stream is given below:

  • Physics. Physics is the science that includes matter, motion, energy, and force, and it is one of the world’s oldest studied academic areas.
  • Chemistry.
  • Biology.
  • Mathematics.
  • English.

What will happen in 2120?

In 2120 logistics operations will be fully autonomous, said engineering manager Raúl Alarcón. That will include self-driving air and land vehicles programmed to optimize their routes and adapt in real-time to a change in needs.

What’s the future of science?