Is fino sherry the same as Sherry?

Fino is the traditional dry sherry, typically bottled around 3 to 5 years. Fino Antiguo is an older version in which the flor starts to fade, the counterpart of a Manzanilla Pasada.

What type of sherry is Fino?

Dry Sherry Wine
Dry Sherry Wine Fino wine is a dry Sherry which owes its characteristics to being aged entirely biologically; that is to say the wine has aged in the interior of the butts always protected by a film of yeast, the “veil of flor” which has prevented it from oxidising.

What can I do with fino sherry?

Fino is extremely versatile with food. You can start, of course, with the Spanish canon: marcona almonds and olives, shrimp with garlic or salsa verde, shellfish and lighter fish (not so much tuna or salmon). Fino is also great with ham, as long as the ham is good and not overpowered by sweet sauces.

Is Fino Sherry oxidised?

This is entirely untrue – Fino is not oxidized at all, quite the opposite actually. Fino wines are oxidative – they are aged in very old barrels for at least 3 years and often longer, and old barrels breathe.

Is Fino same as Manzanilla?

The differences between Finos and Manzanillas can be ascribed to the locations in which the wines are aged. Fino is matured slightly inland, in cellars in Jerez and El Puerto de Santa Maria, while Manzanilla is made only in the coastal town of Sanlucar de Barrameda.

What is similar to Fino Sherry?

For more specific information about the most important styles of sherry, follow the links below:

  • Fino.
  • Manzanilla.
  • Amontillado.
  • Palo Cortado.
  • Oloroso.
  • Pedro Ximénez.
  • Moscatel.
  • Medium / Pale Cream / Cream.

Is fino same as Manzanilla?

How long does Fino Sherry last?

Fino Sherry: An unopened bottle of Fino dry Sherry can last for 2-3 years.

What is the difference between fino and manzanilla sherry?

Whats the difference between Manzanilla and fino?

Is Manzanilla a fino sherry?

Manzanilla is a dry white wine, almost identical to Fino sherry except for the fact that it can only be produced and matured around Sanlúcar de Barrameda, a town closer to the sea than Jerez. The climatic differences make it lighter than Fino wines.