Is fescue bad for pregnant mares?

Mares that continue to eat fescue are at greatly increased risk of prolonged pregnancy and a difficult delivery of the overmature foal; thickening of the placenta leading to suffocation of the foal during birth; premature placental separation; and failure to produce colostrum or milk.

How much fescue is too much for a pregnant mare?

Pastures over 500 ppb are unsafe for late-term pregnant mares. Aside from lab tests to determine the level of endophyte and ergovaline, the amount of tall fescue in a pasture can help dictate management decisions, though consultation with the attending veterinarian is also warranted.

Can nursing mares eat fescue?

Endophyte-infected Fescue and Lactating Mares Owners may want to consider giving mares that graze endophyte-infected fescue pastures a higher level of vitamin E the last 30 days of pregnancy and in early lactation.

How long should mares be off fescue before foaling?

60-90 days
If the tall fescue is a small minority of the grass in your field, then there is less risk for your broodmares, and perhaps the best management strategy is to simply remove them from the field 60-90 days prior to foaling.

Why is fescue grass bad for horses?

Fescue infected with the endophyte Neotyphodium coenophialum produces chemicals toxic to horses. Infected pasture and hay is toxic for horses to eat. The toxic chemicals in the stems and leaf sheaths tend to peak in late June and decline as the seeds develop.

Can pregnant mares have ryegrass?

Perennial ryegrass is hardier, and often used in pasture mixes, but it too can become infected with endophytic fungi that may cause problems for pregnant mares.

Will fescue grass hurt horses?

Can horses graze on fescue?

As many as 700,000 horses may graze fescue pastures or be fed fescue hay each year.

What can you not feed a pregnant mare?

One type of hay or pasture to avoid is fescue, which is often infected with an endophyte that causes problems in pregnant mares, including prolonged gestation, difficult delivery, and lack of milk. Make sure all bedding is free of fescue, too.

What is fescue toxicosis?

Summer fescue toxicosis is a warm season condition characterized by reduced feed intake and weight gains or milk production. The toxins affects cattle, sheep, and horses during the summer when they are grazing or being fed tall fescue forage or seed contaminated with the endophytic fungus Neotyphodium coenophialum.

Is fescue hay safe for horses?

Fescue hay Fescue can be fed to horses, but avoid this hay for pregnant mares. Tall fescue is a hardy, popular, cool season perennial grass that can grow on a variety of soils in a variety of climates.