Is English spoken in South India?

Marginally more younger people spoke English than older people. Despite the common perception that more people in southern India speak English as a bridge language (rather than Hindi), a higher share of residents of several northern and north-eastern states speak English than in the south.

What percentage of the Indian population speaks English?

India now claims to be the world’s second-largest English-speaking country. The most reliable estimate is around 10% of its population or 125 million people, second only to the US and expected to quadruple in the next decade.

Which state in India has highest English speaking?

While Goa has the highest proportion of English speakers in India, Bihar and Chhattisgarh have the least share of English speakers. In Kerala and Tamil Nadu, 20.15% and 18.49% of the people speak English respectively.

Which is the most widely spoken language in South India?

Telugu. Telugu is an equally popular language spoken in India – 74 million people use the language nation-wide, equivalent to about 7% of the population. Telugu is mainly heard in the South Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Puducherry, Telangana and Andaman, or the Nicobar Islands.

Do people speak English in Bangalore?

A significant number of people in Bangalore speak English. Infact, almost all the younger generation of the city speaks English. The official language of Andhra Pradesh, Telugu is widely spoken in Bangalore also. Also belonging to the Dravidian language family, Tamil is spoken by a sizeable population in the city.

Who speaks better English north Indians or south Indians?

a south indian who has learnt english is not, on average, more fluent in english than a north indian who has also learnt english. however, a larger percent of south indians have learnt english than have north indians.

Is English growing in India?

The number of English-medium school students in India increased from over 15 million in 2008–09 to 29 million by 2013–14. According to the 2011 Census, 129 million (10.6%) Indians spoke English. 259,678 (0.02%) Indians spoke English as their first language.

Which is sweetest language in India?

Originated from Sanskrit, Bengali has been ranked the sweetest of all languages in the world. It is spoken mainly in parts of east India (West Bengal) and all over Bangladesh.

What language is spoken in Chennai?

Unlike those in Madurai or Coimbatore, Chennaiites may not speak a specific variant of Tamil, but if there is a language that is truly Chennai, it has got to be Madras Tamil or ‘Madras bashai’.