Is EISS a good super fund?

In December 2020, at the end of a challenging year, EISS Super was recognised in Money Magazine’s 2021 Best of the Best Awards as runner up for the Best-Value MySuper Product which recognises MySuper products with the lowest fees ranked across seven benchmark account balances, from $1,000 to $250,000.

What are the best supers in Australia?

Top 20 super funds

Super fund Investment option 1 yr return (%)
AustralianSuper Balanced 15.0%
UniSuper Accum (1) – Balanced 12.5%
Cbus Growth (Cbus MySuper) 13.0%
VicSuper FutureSaver – Growth (MySuper) 14.8%

How many members does EISS have?

We are responsible for managing over $6 billion on behalf of more than 22,000 members.

Who is EISS Super?

EISS Super is a multi-award winning industry super fund, run only to benefit members. We deliver on our commitment to members – value for money, outstanding service and solid long term investment.

What does EISS stand for?


Acronym Definition
EISS Economic Impact Study System
EISS EUCOM Intelligence Support System
EISS Extended Incident Stress Syndrome
EISS Electronic Integrated Sensor Suite

Who is EISS merging with?

Cbus Super
Cbus Super has signed a memorandum of understanding to merge with EISS Super in 2022. It said the merger between the two funds would strengthen its position as a leading industry fund and create a combined superannuation fund with over $70 billion in assets under management.

How much money should you have in your super?

How much super do I need for a ‘comfortable retirement’? According to the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia Limited (ASFA) Retirement Standard, for those wanting a ‘comfortable retirement,’ the average super balance at retirement should be around $640,000 for couples and around $545,000 for singles.

IS EISS merging?

The merger is expected to be completed in two stages with EISS Super (accumulation) members and EISS Pension members transferring towards the end of 2022 and Retirement and Defined Benefit Scheme members, including Lifetime Pension members to transfer by the end of the first quarter of 2023.