Is Easton Mako a composite bat?

This specific model is the YB17MK12 MAKO. Easton baseball bats always have good labeling on their products so you know what and where you can use it according to the rules. It’s a two-piece totally composite design with the weight to length ratio of -12.

Do they still make Mako bats?

2015 Easton Mako The 1.15 2 1/4 barrel pre-USA bat was the stuff dreams are made of—and still are. It is still a legal bat in USSSA play—the smaller barrel does not disqualify it.

Is a one or two-piece bat better?

Due to the fact that one-piece bats have a very minimal amount of flex at contact, little or no energy is lost which results in more power. For this reason, one-piece bats are preferred by stronger players with above average bat speed such as a power hitter. Two-piece bats provide more flex at contact with the ball.

Are Easton Mako banned?

Roaring onto the baseball scene since its debut, the Easton MAKO BEAST (YB17MK12) will also be banned from USA Baseball Leagues starting in 2018. But, with its massive sweet spot, swing speed, and superb construction, the BEAST is about as close a youth bat will get to the COMBAT B2 until USABat Standard is in place.

Do composite bats hit farther?

The spring-like effect has a lower exit velocity than in prior seasons. The design behind the USA Bat Standard inadvertently impacts composite bats much harder than aluminum. The main reason youth players swing composites is to hit the ball harder and further.

Are end-loaded softball bats better?

End-loaded softball bats are perfect for power hitters that are looking to get some extra weight behind their swing. The added weight to the end of the bat can help stronger hitters get more power on contact and get more power on contact with the ball.

What bats are illegal in high school softball?

Bats that are broken, altered or that deface the ball are illegal. Materials inside the bat or treatments/devices used to alter the bat specifications and/or enhance performance (e.g., shaving, rolling or artificially warming the bat barrel) are prohibited and render the bat illegal.

Which ghost bat is illegal softball?

Please be aware there are two ghost bats – one is legal in USSSA but not certified by USA Softball and therefore not legal in High School or College; the other is certified by USA Softball but not USSSA so it is illegal for USSSA use but legal in High School or College.

What’s better end-loaded or balanced?

End-loaded bats have more weight toward the end cap, more and have a relatively higher swing weight for that reason. More balanced bats have their weight distributed more evenly and have a relatively lower swing weight for that reason.