Is Dou a Scrabble word?

DOU is not a valid scrabble word.

What’s a five letter word that starts with Dou?

5-letter words starting with DOU

Douai douar
doubt douce
doucs dough
douks doula
douma doums

What words have the prefix duo?

8 letter words containing duo

  • duodenum.
  • duologue.
  • duopsony.
  • duotones.
  • duodenal.
  • duograph.
  • duodrama.
  • duodiode.

What word starts with a de?

The highest scoring words starting with De

Top Words Starting with De Scrabble Points Words With Friends Points
deejays 18 19
dezincs 19 21
denizen 17 19
defuzed 21 22

Can you use duo in Scrabble?

Definitions of DUO in various dictionaries: Music. A duet. Two performers singing or playing together.

Is Lou a valid Scrabble word?

Yes, lou is a valid Scrabble word.

What words have ou in them?


  • afoul.
  • aloud.
  • amour.
  • bayou.
  • bijou.
  • bough.
  • boule.
  • Is DOI a Scrabble word?

    DOI is not a valid scrabble word.

    Is duo a prefix?

    Duo- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “two.” It is occasionally used in technical terms.

    What means best duo?

    two persons commonly associated with each other; couple. 3. two animals or objects of the same sort; two things ordinarily placed or found together; a pair. a duo of lovebirds.

    What’s that start with De?


  • deaf.
  • deal.
  • dean.
  • dear.
  • debs.
  • debt.
  • deck.
  • What the prefix de means?

    prefix. Definition of de- (Entry 2 of 2) 1a : do the opposite of deactivate. b : reverse of de-emphasis. 2a : remove (a specified thing) from delouse.