Is Diplomatic Immunity a main quest in Skyrim?

Bethesda’s Skyrim has a total of 273 unique quests for players to complete, spanning from murderous assassinations to fighting for the Empire to uncovering your Dragonborn powers. One popular quest many players will encounter is Diplomatic Immunity, which is part of the main game’s quest storyline.

How do I get into the Thalmor Embassy without the quest?

The Dragonborn may access the Embassy through a glitch in the Reeking Cave after completing “Diplomatic Immunity.” It is also possible to regain access by jumping a horse over the fence to the left of the embassy building.

Where is the key for Diplomatic Immunity Skyrim?

Leave the embassy. On the left side of the dungeon from the staircase, where you should be able to find a locked trap door. Its key can be obtained by killing the two guards that will enter the room right after you’ve read the dossier. Approach the door and use the key to unlock it.

How do I start Diplomatic Immunity?

Diplomatic Immunity

  1. Meet Delphine in Riverwood.
  2. Meet Malborn in Solitude.
  3. Give Malborn the equipment.
  4. Meet Delphine at the stables.
  5. Talk to Malborn.
  6. Create a distraction and get away from the party.
  7. (Optional) Retrieve your gear.
  8. Search for information about the dragons returning.

How do you start Diplomatic Immunity in Skyrim?

Is it worth it to save Malborn?

If Malborn is saved, he may easily die during his trip to Windhelm or the escape to Morrowind. This may make him a good candidate for harvesting Bosmer blood for the “Discerning the Transmundane” quest. Only after helping him escape to Morrowind this is recommended.

How do you get Diplomatic Immunity?

Diplomatic immunity can be waived only by the government of the official’s home country. In most cases, this happens only when the official commits or witnesses a serious crime not related to their diplomatic role.

How do you trigger Diplomatic Immunity in Skyrim?