Is Delta Gamma a top sorority?

Delta Gamma (DGs) is considered a mid-tier sorority almost everywhere across the country. The reputation of DG is that they are classy, supportive of each other, focused on “girl-power,” and heavily involved in campus activities. DGs tend to enjoy a level of respect among other sororities and fraternities.

What is the GPA requirement for Delta Gamma?

(Note: The Constitutional scholastic requirement for Initiation into Delta Gamma is a minimum of a “C” (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) college grade point average or a minimum of a 2.5 grade point average unweighted, cumulative on a 4.0 scale from secondary school if college grades are not available.

How much does it cost to be in Delta Gamma?

Panhellenic Chapters

Chapter New Member Fees -No Housing Active Members -Including Housing
Alpha Phi $2,548 $3,873
Alpha Sigma Alpha $845 n/a
Chi Omega $2,275 $3,260
Delta Gamma $3,490 $7,278

How hard is it to get into Delta Gamma?

Delta Gamma requires its members to maintain at least a “C” college average.

Is it hard to get into a sorority at University of Arizona?

The minimum GPA to join a USFC sorority is a 2.5 cumulative from college however many require a 2.75 cumulative college GPA. All USFC sororities will expect applicants to have ample documented community service hours, community involvement, and campus leadership.

Where is Delta Gamma top tier?

Highest Rated Delta Gamma Chapters

  • University of California, Irvine. University of California, Irvine.
  • Spring Hill College. Spring Hill College.
  • University of Michigan Ann Arbor.
  • California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo.
  • Arizona State University.
  • Albion College.
  • Whitman College.
  • University of Southern Mississippi.