Is CQ Press a publisher?

CQ Press, a division of SAGE Publishing, publishes books, directories, periodicals, and electronic products on American government and politics, with an expanding list in international affairs and journalism and mass communication. Washington, D.C.

Who is CQ Press?

CQ Press, an imprint of SAGE Publications, is a leading publisher of reference and text books, directories, periodicals, and online products on American government and politics, journalism and mass communication.

WHO publishes CQ Researcher?

SAGE Publications
Reports are published online 44 times a year by CQ Press, an imprint of SAGE Publications. Each single-themed report is researched and written by a seasoned journalist, footnoted and professionally fact checked.

Is CQ Researcher credible?

They are written by experienced journalists and are thoroughly footnoted and sourced to experts to ensure the quality and accuracy of the information. Check the Footnotes section within each report. Are CQ Researcher reports fact-checked? Yes.

Is CQ Researcher a scholarly source?

To be clear: CQ Researcher Reports are not peer-reviewed and are not considered academic/scholarly sources; however, they are rigorously fact-checked and edited by professionals before publication and, unlike traditional magazine articles, the journalists who write CQ Researcher Reports always include extensive …

What is a CQ database?

The CQ (Contractor Qualification) Database makes the prequalification process easy for industrial plant administrators and contractors.

What does CQ stand for?

—used at the beginning of messages of general information or safety notices or by shortwave amateurs as an invitation to talk to other shortwave amateurs. CQ. abbreviation. Definition of CQ (Entry 2 of 2) 1 charge of quarters.

Is CQ Researcher a library database?

A database of in-depth, authoritative reports on a full range of political and social-policy issues extending back to 1923. Each report is footnoted and includes an overview, background section, chronology, bibliography and debate-style pro-con feature, plus tools to study the evolution of the topic over time.

Is CQ Researcher a scholarly journal?

What is CQ Researcher database?

How do you cite the CQ Researcher?

Author [Last Name, First]. “Title of Report.” CQ Researcher Volume Number [no.], Issue Number (Month Day, Year): Page Range. URL. Example: Karaim, Reed.