Is Corypheus a darkspawn?

Corypheus (lit. “The Conductor”) is an ancient darkspawn who was trapped inside a Grey Warden prison located in the Vimmark Mountains.

Is darkspawn alive?

According to the Chantry, these Archdemons are Old Gods living in the bodies of dragons. The Darkspawn search for these dragons underground with unbelievable dedication until they find one.

Are darkspawn sentient?

BioWare staff said in promotional material and interviews that the Darkspawn are essentially corrupted equivalents of the sentient races of Thedas; hurlocks, genlocks, shrieks and ogres are converted from human, dwarf, elf and Qunari stock respectively.

Is darkspawn a undead?

The darkspawn are a race of humanoid tainted creatures that mostly dwell in the underground of Thedas. They are believed to be soulless.

Is the architect Corypheus?

Unlike Corypheus, who was imprisoned and retained his memory of his prior life, the Architect seems to have forgotten his mortal life, knowing only that he is a unique darkspawn.

Do GREY wardens become darkspawn?

In fact, most Grey Wardens see their first darkspawn only after becoming initiates of the Order. More so, veteran Wardens consider that having a personal hatred of the darkspawn can be detrimental to a Warden if it leads them to make rash and irrational decisions.

Are darkspawn orcs?

They are similar to orcs in some ways as well, particularly Tolkien’s orcs Twisted corruptions of the mortal races, the darkspawn origins resemble Tolkien’s origins for the orcs, created by corrupting elves.

Is Corypheus Dragon an archdemon?

Whether the Inquisitor or Morrigan drinks from the Well of Sorrows, the Well will reveal that Corypheus’ dragon is not a true archdemon, but merely a facsimile of one made by corrupting an ordinary high dragon with red lyrium in which the magister invested his power.

Was the architect a magister?

The Architect was the High Priest of Urthemiel and the leader of the Builders “who constructed monuments to the glory of the gods” according to the Great Plan. He was the first Magister to be approached by Sethius Amladaris, the High Priest of Dumat, to join in his endeavour to reach the Golden City.

Why do Grey Wardens drink darkspawn blood?

During his research and experiments with the taint, the Architect discovered that the darkspawn can gain immunity to the Call of the Old Gods, and consequently think for themselves, by ingesting the blood of a Grey Warden.