Is Colchester Park and Ride still running?

We need your help to name the Park and Ride buses! The closing date is 30th June 2022.

Is Colchester Park and Ride free?

At present all bus pass holders pay the full Park and Ride fare until 09:00 (except at weekends and public holidays when they travel free at all time). Between 09:00 and 24:00 they travel for free. From 01 April 2020 older people’s pass holders will have to pay a reduced rate of £1.50 at all times.

Does Colchester have Park and Ride?

Park and Ride for Colchester There is a new Park and Ride service in Colchester. It offers comfortable and convenient transport into the town centre, with bus priority measures along the route and stops at key locations.

Is Sandon Park and Ride Open?

Sandon: Monday to Friday 06:30 – 19:45 and Saturday 07:00 – 19:15.

Where do you park for Castle Park Colchester?

By Road: Parking is available with a charge at any of the towns’ car parks. The nearest car parks are Nunn’s Road, Priory Street and Osborne Street. Follow town centre signage to the High Street and Castle Park.

What time do buses start in Colchester?

COLCHESTER PARK & RIDE bus timetable overview: Normally starts operating at 07:00 and ends at 18:45. Normal operating days: weekdays.

How much does it cost to park at Sandon park and ride?


Regular tickets Adult (over 18) Concessionary
Daily £3.60 £1.50
Weekly £18.00
Monthly £66.50
Saturday £1.50 £1.50

Is Martlesham park and ride Open?

Both car parks (at Martlesham and London Road) are available for use. Buses are operating to a temporary timetable along their normal route – with buses up to every 20 minutes from either car park and returning from the town centre between approximately 0700 and 1900 on Mondays to Saturdays.

Is Colchester Castle Park free?

Free to explore and fully accessible throughout, the park grounds include notable historic sites, including the Roman Wall, Victorian Bandstand, and the Castle itself.

What is inside Colchester Castle?

A visit to Colchester Castle is better than ever before with interactive displays and star exhibits, like the Colchester Gladiator Vase and Fenwick Hoard of Roman treasure. Have a go at building a Norman archway, dressing as an Iron Age Briton, steering a Roman chariot or firing our replica ballista at the east wall.