Is clownfish disease contagious?

Brooklynella hostilis is a fatal disease that is highly contagious, and it’s caused by a marine parasite found in fish that can also be present in farmed fish and aquarium fish.

How do I know if my clownfish has ick?

Clownfish Disease (Brooklynella hostilis) The gills may be swollen, and the fish may have irregular breathing. 1 Other signs include sloughing of skin, and congestion of the gills. The parasite reproduces by binary fission and spreads rapidly, and can easily transfer from fish to fish.

What color is clownfish poop?

if your clownfish eat mysis, then it could be safe to say the stool would be light colored, but certainly not supposed to be white. FYI, one of my clowns had white stringy poop after a couple days of being in my tank.

What is clownfish flashing?

Posted February 19, 2009. When clownfish or any fish for that matter “flash” they are attempting to rid themselves of a parasite. Now that does not mean they are heavily infested, it just means that there is something there irritating them.

How do I know if my fish has ick?

Ich is one of the most common diseases encountered in tropical-fish aquariums. Its signs include the presence of small white spots resembling a sprinkle of salt grains on the body and gills, frequent scraping of the body against objects in the environment, loss of appetite, and abnormal hiding behaviour.

What does saltwater ich look like?

Caused by a parasitic protozoa, Cryptocaryon irritans, saltwater ich is easy to identify by the characteristic white spots, around 0.5 to 1.0 millimeters in size, that typically appear on a fish’s fins and skin. However, if the parasite only infests a fish’s gills, the fin and skin spots may be lacking.

Are clownfish prone to ich?

IME; wrasses, clownfish, damsels, gobies, rabbitfish, cardinalfish, dragonets and eels are all ich resistant species. Generally speaking.

How do you cure velvet disease?

Currently, treatments for velvet disease and other parasitic infections contain copper, malachite green or methylene blue – all of which can be toxic to other organisms in the surrounding environment. These treatments also leave residues in the water after they are used.

How is fish velvet disease treated?


  1. Raise water temperature.
  2. Dim lights for several days.
  3. Add aquarium salt.
  4. Treat with copper sulfate for ten days.
  5. Discontinue carbon filtration during treatment.