Is Cleverbot a good AI?

An artificial-intelligence computer named Cleverbot stunned the world with a stellar performance on the Turing Test — an IQ test of sorts for “chatbots,” or conversational robots.

Can Cleverbot pass Turing test?

Cleverbot comes very close to passing the Turing Test The humans in the event achieved just 63.3%.

What is the smartest AI chat bot?

The 5 Best AI Chatbot Examples in Real Life

  • Best AI Chatbot Overall: WestJet’s Chatbot.
  • Best AI Chatbot for Telecom: Charter Spectrum’s Chatbot.
  • Best AI Chatbot for Ecommerce: Covergirl’s Chatbot.
  • Best AI Chatbot for Travel: Amtrak’s Chatbot.
  • Best AI Chatbot for Customer Experience: Johnson and Johnson’s Chatbot.

Is there an AI I can talk to?

The most ubiquitous examples of conversationally capable AI’s are virtual assistants. Siri, Alexa, Cortana, and Google Assistant have found their way out of our phones and into our homes.

Is Cleverbot a computer?

Last week, an artificial intelligence computer named Cleverbot stunned the world with a stellar performance on the Turing Test — an IQ test of sorts for “chatbots,” or conversational robots.

Has Siri passed the Turing test?

Can Siri pass the Turing Test? Probably not. Siri would have to be able to convincingly carry out a conversation with a subject and be able to generate its own thoughts. So far, Siri only works with simple sentences and short phrases and is unable to carry out a full-blown conversation.

Is cleverbot really a robot?

Cleverbot is a chatterbot web application that uses an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm to have conversations with humans. It was created by British AI scientist Rollo Carpenter. It was preceded by Jabberwacky, a chatbot project that began in 1986 and went online in 1997.

What is the most advanced AI I can talk to?

Google is working towards its best digital assistant that is capable of having a conversation based Artificial Intelligence (AI) model known as Meena. Meena, a neural network that has 2.6 billion parameters, is a multi-turn open-domain chatbot and claimed to be better than any other AI chatbot available in the market.