Is CLEP macroeconomics hard?

There are a few CLEP exams that require a firm understanding of how to use the formulas versus just memorizing them and the Principles of Macroeconomics CLEP is one of them. It’s not difficult to learn how to use them as long as you dedicate the time. You can do it!

Which CLEP is easier micro or macro economics?

Micro is easier than Macro, at least to me. I use the Macroeconomics Demystified on Macro, and made a 62. I’m doing Macro with Straighterline, just started. If you are a fast reader/learner, you can finish in a week or two.

Can you CLEP Microeconomics?

The CLEP Principles of Microeconomics test offers students who don’t wish to take a microeconomics course an out from taking the class. The test allows them to gain the equivalent course credits that they would gain from taking the actual class.

Is there a study guide for CLEP?

The CLEP Official Study Guide covers all 34 CLEP exam topics in one comprehensive book. It includes practice questions for all exams, exam descriptions, information on getting credit for CLEP, and test-taking tips and strategies. This book is ideal for test takers planning to take more than two exams.

How many questions are on the CLEP macroeconomics?

80 questions
The exam contains approximately 80 questions to be answered in 90 minutes. Some of these are pretest questions that won’t be scored. The subject matter of the Principles of Macroeconomics exam is drawn from the following topics.

Why is macroeconomics so hard?

Macroeconomics is difficult to teach partly because its theorists (classical, Keynesian, monetarist, New Classical and New Keynesian, among others) disagree about so much. It is difficult also because the textbooks disagree about so little.

Should I take micro or macro economics first?

It’s impossible to understand microeconomics without a study of macroeconomics first. Research has shown students who study macro first perform better academically in both macro and micro than students who study micro first.

Is college microeconomics hard?

Microeconomics requires knowledge of calculus, which makes some students say it is more difficult than macroeconomics. Students must earn a score of at least three to pass, though some schools require a four or five.

Is the CLEP Official Study Guide worth it?

The CLEP Individual Exam Guides provide all the content in the Official Study Guide, but for only one specific exam. If you plan to take only one or two CLEP exams, we recommend purchasing an Individual Study Guide. If you plan to take more than two exams, consider purchasing the CLEP Official Study Guide.

How do you pass macroeconomics?

AP Macroeconomics Exam Tips

  1. Take advantage of the 10-minute planning time.
  2. Remember that you may answer the questions in any order.
  3. Don’t restate the question.
  4. Use correct terminology.
  5. Use graphs wisely.
  6. Label graphs clearly, correctly, and fully.

How long is the macroeconomics CLEP exam?

90 minutes
The exam contains approximately 80 questions to be answered in 90 minutes. Some of these are pretest questions that will not be scored.