Is China a good Civ 5?

China is one of the best civs for war on land. More and better Great Generals means a strong boost to your land armies in general, and Chu-Ko-Nus deal a lot of damage to both units and cities.

How do you play civilization 5 effectively?

Opening Strategies

  1. Start with a good civilization/leader for small maps.
  2. Trade Caravans are great.
  3. You can trade luxury resources, but do not expect much.
  4. If possible, build cities on coastal tiles.
  5. Trade your embassy to enemies, so you have a few coins from the start.
  6. Creating wonders is important.

What should I do early in civilization 5?

Civilization 5 Early-Game Guide for Beginners

  1. First: Having a Plan.
  2. Basic Gameplay Strategy.
  3. The Importance of Scouting.
  4. Your Starting Warrior – Defending Against Barbarians.
  5. Research Order: Pottery (maybe) and Luxury Techs First.
  6. Tradition Build Order: First Worker to Settler.
  7. Liberty Build Order: Rapid Expansion.

How do you beat domination in Civ 5?

General Strategy

  1. Designate several cities as “training centers” for units.
  2. Found or capture a coastal city if necessary.
  3. Preserve your.
  4. Try to ally yourself with a Militaristic City-State.
  5. Try to maintain a steady conquest pace.
  6. Puppet, then annex.
  7. Don’t completely absorb all the cities you capture.

How do you win Babylon in Civ 5?

Babylon works best as a tall rather than wide empire, so let’s keep the number of cities low. 3 to 5 is probably fine. Try to settle them next to mountains if you can, (for Observatories later in the game,) but if that’s not possible, river or lakeside spots will be decent, allowing you to build Gardens.

Why is Babylon so good Civ 5?

What’s more, the Babylonians are also very good at defensive combat, particularly in the early game. Their unique replacement for the Archer, the Bowman, as well as their unique early game defensive building, the Walls of Babylon, can make up a great way to defend your cities.