Is blamey a word?

▸ noun: A surname​. Phrases that include blamey: blamey barracks, thomas blamey, victim blamey more… General Sir Sir Thomas Blamey , in succession to Vasey. Generals Blamey and Morshead were chief mourners.

What dies yokel mean?

Definition of yokel : a naive or gullible inhabitant of a rural area or small town.

What does it mean to be full of blarney?

flattering or wheedling talk; cajolery. deceptive or misleading talk; nonsense; hooey: a lot of blarney about why he was broke.

How do you use yokel in a sentence?

Yokel in a Sentence My cousin is a complete yokel that still thinks the Earth is flat and chocolate milk comes from brown cows. 2. Just because someone was born and raised in the countryside doesn’t mean they are a yokel that doesn’t know anything about the modern world.

Why do you hang upside down to kiss the Blarney Stone?

One century back, travelers weren’t as lucky. The old-fashioned way was to hold people’s ankles and then hang them upside-down so they could kiss the stone, but this practice came to an end when a traveler slipped free from his friend’s grasp and hurtled down to his death.

Who is a grumpy man?

The stereotype of the grumpy old man could have its roots in a condition known as irritable male syndrome. It’s clinically referred to as andropause, or male menopause. Like female menopause, andropause includes physical and emotional changes that also seem dependent on changes in hormone levels.

Is yokel a Scrabble word?

YOKEL is a valid scrabble word.

What does the Irish word Feck mean?

Irish English It is also used as Irish slang meaning “throw” (e.g. “he fecked the remote control across the table at me”.) It has also been used as a verb meaning “to steal” (e.g. “they had fecked cash out of the rector’s room”) or to discover a safe method of robbery or cheating.

What is a little girl called in Ireland?

An Irish word for a young girl.