Is bird person based on Hawk from Buck Rogers?

Birdperson in his entirety is one of the series’ most blatant pop culture references. His design and character is directly inspired by The Hawk from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century.

What did Morty name his sperm?

Morty saves a sperm with its tail stuck under a rock after it recognizes him as its creator, dubbing it “Sticky”. In the war room, Summer comes up with an idea to create a giant egg for the sperm to flock to, but has her idea stolen by Shabooboo.

Who voices the head in Rick and Morty?

Justin Roiland
Born Mark Justin Roiland February 21, 1980 Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.
Education Modesto Junior College
Occupation Voice actor animator writer producer director
Years active 2003–present

Who pooped in Rick’s toilet?

Discovering that it has been intruded upon, he tracks down the poop bandit, who is named Tony. Despite admonishment from Rick, Tony continues to use the lavatory, leaving Rick to punish him by using a chemical called “Globaflyn” to put him in his ideal toilet-filled simulation of heaven before evicting him.

Who is Birdperson based on?

Buck Rogers
Birdperson is a parody of “Hawk” from Buck Rogers according to the commentary track on the Season 1 DVD.

Did Rick know about the sperm?

Once Rick and Morty track the giant sperm to the Grand Canyon, who have gathered there for obvious reasons, they’re confronted by a talking queen sperm who reveals to Rick that Morty is their father. They pin him down and extract more of his seed using the horse breeding machine from Beth’s work.

Why do sperm go to the Grand Canyon?

He introduces them to Professor Shabooboo, the world’s leading expert on sperm, who theorises that the sperm monsters will head to the Grand Canyon because of its vaginal shape.

What are the giant heads called in Rick and Morty?

Cromulons are a species of planet-sized beings shaped as giant human heads, and are native to the Cygnus-5 expanse. They are encountered in the episode “Get Schwifty”, where they are the central antagonists.

What voices does Dan Harmon do on Rick and Morty?

Dan Harmon voices multiple characters within Rick and Morty The most notable character Harmon voices is Birdperson, having been transformed into the evil cyborg Phoenixperson as of the “Rick and Morty” Season 4 finale.

What is the saddest episode of Rick and Morty?

Top 10 Saddest Rick And Morty Moments

  1. #1: Morty’s Relationship Reset. “The Vat of Acid Episode”
  2. #2: Morty’s Nihilistic Speech To Summer. “Rixty Minutes”
  3. #3: Rick’s Sacrifice. “A Rickle in Time”
  4. #4: Birdperson Shot Through the Heart.
  5. #5: Beth Shoots Mr.
  6. #6: Morty & Planetina Break Up.
  7. #7: Rick Mourns Tony.
  8. #8: Hoovy’s Death.

Who voiced Elon tusk?

Elon Musk
Elon Tusk is a parody of, and voiced by, Elon Musk.