Is Bilberry Wheel Cleaner Any Good?

The Bilberry cleaner proved more than a match for the Muc-Off. It foamed up well when sprayed and brushed, clung to the rim to get rid of hard-to-move brake dust and shifted grime easily. However, you need to work the brush on oily deposits.

What is the best product to clean your rims?

Comparison of the best wheel cleaners for 2022

Best wheel cleaner Brand Name
Overall Sonax Wheel Cleaner Plus
Aftermarket wheels Chemical Guys Diablo Gel Wheel Cleaner
Plasti-dipped wheels Car Guys Wheel Cleaner
Cheap Turtle Wax All Wheel and Tire Cleaner

How often should you use wheel cleaner?

We recommend maintaining your wheels with a basic wash of soap and water with a dedicated wash mitt, every time you clean your vehicle (1 to 2 weeks). Thorough cleaning of your wheels and adding layer(s) of protection should be done every 2 to 3 months.

How do you use bilberry wheel cleaner?


  1. Dilute. Heavily soiled: use neat/ Lightly soiled: 1:10.
  2. Spray onto wheel.
  3. Leave to dwell but not dry out.
  4. Rinse off thoroughly with a pressure washer.
  5. If necessary, reapply, agitate with a wheel brush and rinse thoroughly.

Can wheel cleaner damage brakes?

Sparingly apply the wheel cleaner in specific places to avoid contact with the brake disc and the brake system. The contents of these cleaning agents can lead to damage to the brake system, impaired braking and permanently decreased comfort.

Does alloy wheel cleaner damage wheels?

Originally, many alloy wheel cleaners were acid-based. This dissolved the brake dust particles well but, also meant that they weren’t suitable for all wheel types. Acid cleaners risk damaging the alloy wheel’s finish, and the same is true of the caustic or alkaline alloy cleaners.

How do you use Dragon’s Breath wheel cleaner?


  1. Spray into wheel.
  2. Leave to dwell but not dry out.
  3. Rinse off thoroughly with a pressure washer.
  4. If necessary, reapply, agitate with a wheel brush and rinse thoroughly.