Is apheresis donation painful?

The vast majority of apheresis donors experience no discomfort during the collection process. Some feel a slight tingling sensation around the lips and nose during donation. This reaction is caused by the anticoagulant used in the procedure.

What is an apheresis blood donation?

Apheresis is the process of separating blood into its different components: Platelets, Red Blood Cells (RBCs) and Plasma. Platelet donations allow us to collect what our patients need and return the rest of the blood to the donor. PLATELETS are essential for blood clotting.

What is the difference between apheresis and whole blood donation?

Apheresis blood collection, or ABC, is a special kind of blood donation. Instead of giving one pint of whole blood (as in a regular donation), an ABC donor gives only the components of blood needed for patients that day.

Is apheresis same as donating plasma?

Platelet, double red cell and plasma donations are each a type of apheresis — a method of collecting blood in which you’re hooked up to a machine that collects and separates blood components (red cells, platelets and plasma) and returns unused components to you.

What kinds of donors are selected for apheresis?

Apheresis donation is donating either plasma or platelets or both, using a plasma or platelet separator machine, also known as an apheresis machine.

What disqualifies you from donating platelets?

What Conditions Would Make You Ineligible to Be a Donor? You will not be eligible to donate blood or platelets if you: Have tested positive for hepatitis B or hepatitis C, lived with or had sexual contact in the past 12 months with anyone who has hepatitis B or symptomatic hepatitis C.

Can you go to the bathroom during apheresis?

Your doctor may have you go to the bathroom first. After you’re attached to the machine you can’t leave it until the procedure is finished. You may need only one treatment. Or you may need many treatments over weeks or months.

What blood type is best for donating platelets?

What blood types should donate platelets? All blood types, except for type O negative and type B negative, are encouraged to try platelet donation. Type O negative and type B negative can make the most impact for patients in need by continuing to give whole blood or a Power Red donation.