Is Anticipatorily a word?

Anticipatorily definition In an anticipatory manner.

What is an example of anticipatory?

Characterized by anticipation. The children were all wearing anticipatory grins in the minutes before the cake was served.

How do you use the word anticipatory?

Examples of anticipation in a Sentence She had a feeling of great anticipation before her graduation ceremony. He looked forward to the party with anticipation. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘anticipation.

What is another word for anticipatory?

In this page you can discover 10 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for anticipatory, like: anticipant, anticipative, expectant, atiptoe, surprise, intentional, precognizant, all-or-nothing, prevenient and ineluctable.

What is the law of anticipation?

Primary tabs. In patent law, anticipation refers to the prior invention or disclosure of the claimed invention by another, or the inventor’s own disclosure of the claimed invention by publication, sale, or offer to sell prior to the inventor’s application for a patent.

What is anticipatory excitement?

Anticipatory describes the feeling you get when you know what’s coming. It can also describe something that happens because something else is going to happen later — like that anticipatory excitement you feel the night before a big party.

What does it mean to anticipate something?

Definition of anticipate transitive verb. 1 : to give advance thought, discussion, or treatment to. 2 : to meet (an obligation) before a due date. 3 : to foresee and deal with in advance : forestall. 4 : to use or expend in advance of actual possession.

What is the true meaning of anticipation?

Anticipation is excitement, waiting eagerly for something you know is going to happen. Someone who has just proposed marriage waits in anticipation for a positive reply. Anticipation can be a nervous expectation, like when the birthday party waited in anticipation for Elmer to walk in so they could surprise him.

Is anticipation positive or negative?

Anticipation is an emotion involving pleasure or anxiety in considering or awaiting an expected event. Anticipatory emotions include fear, anxiety, hope and trust. When the anticipated event fails to occur, it results in disappointment (if positive event) or relief (if negative event).

What’s the opposite of anticipation?

Opposite of the act of expecting or anticipating. amazement. astonishment. doubt. fear.

What is a 102 rejection?

102 Rejections In order to obtain a patent on an invention, one of the legal requirements under U.S. law is that the invention be new or novel. An application may be rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102 if a single prior art reference matches each and every element of a patent application’s claim.