Is advocate good for cats?

Advocate is the only flea, heartworm and worm protection product that kills lungworms in cat. Lungworms can cause debilitating illness in cats characterised by respiratory compromise, and may be fatal. Advocate is effective against these parasites, and monthly use controls these parasites.

How often should I put advocate on my cat?

Fleas and heartworm are a year-round problem and so Advocate should be applied every 4 weeks throughout the year.

What is the best flea treatment for cats UK?

The best cat flea treatments to buy

  1. Frontline Spot On for cats: The best efficient flea treatment.
  2. Advocate 80 Spot-On for Large Cats: The best flea treatment on prescription.
  3. Beaphar Reflective Soft Cat Flea Collar: The best “fit and forget” flea treatment.

Can advocate make cat ill?

What are the risks associated with Advocate? In both cats and dogs, the most common side effects are local reactions at the site of application, such as temporary itchiness, and on rare occasions, greasy fur and redness of the skin. Vomiting has also occurred rarely. These signs disappear without further treatment.

How long does advocate last on cats?

four weeks
Advocate for Cats is highly effective as a single application. Advocate for Cats provides superb treatment for both internal and external parasites in cats. One application treats any existing parasite infection and protects against new infection, as the treatment will last for four weeks.

What happens if my cat licks advocate?

Use of Advocate for Cats may result in transient pruritus (itchiness) in the animal. On rare occasions greasy fur redness and vomiting can occur. These signs disappear without further treatment. If the animal licks the application site after treatment transient neurological signs may be observed infrequently.

Do indoor cats need advocate?

Advocate is perfect for indoor cats as it is an easy to use, monthly spot-on treatment that protects your cat from fleas, heartworm, and intestinal worms for one month.

How long does advocate last?

one month
The moxidectin component, which is effective internally against heartworms and worms, is rapidly absorbed (<24 hours). How long does Advocate last? One treatment protects your dog for one month.

Does Advocate cover tapeworm?

Advocate or Revolution cover the most parasites including multiple flea life stages (this includes lice, sarcoptic mange, demodex mange, heartworm, ear mites, lice) but doesn’t include coverage for ticks or tapeworm.

Is advocate a Wormer?

Advocate Spot-on for Small Dogs is a broad spectrum combined flea and worm treatment. It is effective against fleas, flea larvae, lungworm, roundworm, hookworm, whipworm and heartworm.