Is a tomato a fruit botanically?
Is a tomato a fruit botanically?
To a botanist, a fruit is an entity that develops from the fertilized ovary of a flower. This means that tomatoes, squash, pumpkins, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, corn kernels, and bean and pea pods are all fruits; so are apples, pears, peaches, apricots, melons and mangos.
Is a tomato angiosperm or gymnosperm?
Tomatoes belong to a group of plants known as flowering plants, also called angiosperms . The tomato plant reproduces sexually. This means that it needs both female and male organs to produce seeds. Every tomato seed has a tiny tomato plant inside.
What is the kingdom phylum and class of tomato?
Tomato. Tomato from a supermarket and cross section. Scientific classification. Kingdom: Plantae.
What is the division of tomato?
Solanaceae family
Tomato, along with pepper, potato, and eggplant, belong to the Solanaceae family of flowering plants. This family of plants are also known as nightshades. Nightshades include more than 3000 species including many that are economically important.
Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable Supreme Court?
The Nixes sued under the Tariff of 1883, which required taxes on imported vegetables — but not fruit. In the Supreme Court decision, the justices distinguished between science and everyday life and admitted that botanically speaking, tomatoes were technically fruits.
Why is a tomato a fruit but not a pepper?
Tomatoes are actually fruits. They develop from the ovary located at the base of the flower, and also contain the seeds of the plant. 2. Bell PeppersBell peppers are actually fruits and so are cucumbers, green beans and red chillies!
Which type of plant is tomato?
tomato, (Solanum lycopersicum), flowering plant of the nightshade family (Solanaceae), cultivated extensively for its edible fruits.
Is tomato flower a complete flower?
A tomato flower is sometimes referred to as a perfect flower because both male and female organs are located within the same flower (see Figure 2). Figure 2: Diagram of a tomato flower and its fruit. The ovary within the flower develops into a tomato fruit that we eat.
What phylum is a tomato?
Vascular plantTomato / Phylum
What genus are tomatoes?
NightshadeTomato / Genus
The cultivated tomato is a member of the genus Solanum within the family Solanaceae. The Solanaceae, commonly known as the nightshade family, also includes other notable cultivated plants such as tobacco, chilli pepper, potato and eggplant.
What is tomato Kingdom?
PlantTomato / Kingdom
What is the family of tomato?
NightshadeTomato / Family