Is a Lutino cockatiel rare?

You might think that the lutino cockatiel is one of the most common variations of cockatiel around because they are so popular as pets. In fact: They are quite a special species which were developed by breeders and not seen in the wild. This makes them an even more unique addition to your family…

Are Lutino cockatiels friendly?

Lutino cockatiels are generally very mild-tempered and easy to keep. They love affection, company, and a variety of playthings. Your Lutino will be a highly social creature to both their humans and other bird friends. Lutinos, like most birds, can get very depressed if they’re left alone for long periods.

What is Lutino cockatiel syndrome?

The Lutino is a sex-linked mutation. It is one of the most common and most easily recognisable mutations across the parrot species. The Lutino mutation governs the production of black, grey and brown pigments (grey-family pigments).

How much is a Lutino cockatiel?

You are more likely to get a bird that is exceptionally well-behaved from a breeder than by adopting one from a pet store, but you should expect a cockatiel to cost from $80 to $250….Breeder.

Lutino Cockatiel $150 to $250
Cinnamon Cockatiel $130 to $160
Pied Cockatiel $110 to $170
Pearl Cockatiel: $150 to $200

Do all Lutino cockatiels have red eyes?

They are commonly referred to as “albinos” as they are all white with red eyes. However, they should more appropriately be called “White-face Lutino.”

How much is a lutino cockatiel?

What is the rarest mutation of cockatiel?

The rarest cockatiel color mutation is white face. This is one of the variations that lack orange patch cheeks both in mature male and female birds. They are the opposite of normal grey cockatiels in the sense that they produce a richer, coal-like coloration.

Which cockatiel is best?

Go with the classic, gray-feathered cockatiel for the most affordable option. The classic cockatiel has mostly gray feathers on its body, with patches of white here and there. It also has a vibrant yellow crest on its head and tiny orange patches on its cheeks.

Can Lutino cockatiel be male?

If you have a baby lutino-pearl with spots and/or bars who loses them in the juvenile molt you know that you’ve got a male. If you’ve got an adult without these markings you can be fairly certain it is a male. Lutino Whitefaces (a.k.a. Albinos) can’t be visually sexed.

Is my Lutino cockatiel male or female?

Lutinos can be visually sexed since the females will have the same bright yellow spots under the flight feathers and their tails will show a yellow on cream or cream on yellow barring pattern. Males are sexed by the absence of these traits.