Is a Dana 20 transfer case any good?

The Dana 20 is found in 1962-1979 Jeep vehicles. It is also found in IH and Ford vehicles as well as a limited run of GM trucks in the early-mid 1970’s. The Dana 20’s design was outstanding and remains one of the strongest and most refined of all the popular transfer cases.

What is a Dana 20 transfer case?

The Dana 20 transfer case is a medium-duty, gear-drive unit that was manufactured from about 1962 to 1979. It is a part-time, manual-shift t-case that was found in Jeep, GM, Ford, and some International Harvester vehicles. The cast iron housing helps contribute to its reputation as a robust and reliable transfer case.

Can you twin stick a Dana 20?

Unfortunately, all Jeep Dana 20 transfer cases came from the factory with a single shifter, so there is no OE twin-stick shifter conversion.

What is the gear ratio of a Dana 300 transfer case?

The common gear ratio was 2.0:1 in most model 300s, although the Bronco version and the Dana 18 had the desirable 2.46:1 ratio that could be swapped into Jeep Dana 300 cases with the Dana 18’s gears, the Bronco’s sliding gear, and some know-how.

How do I identify my Dana transfer case?

Spicer/ Dana 18: The Dana 18, as it is commonly referred, is easily identified as it has both front and rear outputs offset to the passenger side of the Jeep. It also has 2 shifters one for high and low, the other to engage/disengage 4-wheel drive. There are 5 different varieties of the Dana 18 transfer case.

How can you tell the difference between a Dana 20 and 300?

The best way to tell them apart is knowing that the Dana 300 has an aluminum tailhousing for the rear output while the Dana 20’s is cast iron, and the Dana 20 has a 1-inch-deep sump in the inspection cover while the Dana 300’s is fairly smooth and flat.

What is the advantage of a twin stick transfer case?

The twin stick shift allows you to override the interlock plunger between axles. This allows you to use 2WD Low range. It also allows you to have front wheel drive only. The Binder Bunch enjoys the ability to switch the transfer case into 2WD Low while four wheeling.