Is a CW4 a high rank?

Chief Warrant Officer 4 is the 17th rank in the United States Army , ranking above Chief Warrant Officer 3 and directly below Chief Warrant Officer 5.

How much do CW3 make?

A Chief Warrant Officer 3 is a warrant officer in the United States Army at DoD paygrade W-3. A Chief Warrant Officer 3 receives a monthly basic pay salary starting at $4,376 per month, with raises up to $7,676 per month once they have served for over 26 years.

What does a CW4 do?

Chief Warrant Officer Four (CW4) The Chief Warrant Officer Four is a technical and tactical expert with strong leadership skills. They serve at the brigade up to the echelons level.

How much does a warrant officer 5 make?

Starting pay for a Chief Warrant Officer 5 is $8,520.30 per month, with raises for experience resulting in a maximum base pay of $11,149.50 per month.

How long does it take to make CW4?

6 years
Warrant Officer Promotion Eligibility Chart

Promotion Minimum TIG (lower grade)
WO1 to CW2 2 years
CW2 to CW3 5 years or 4 years if in a position higher than current grade
CW3 to CW4 6 years or 5 years if in a position a position
CW4 to CW5 5 years

What is a CW4 equivalent to?

A Chief Warrant Officer 4 is considered a Warrant Officer, with a paygrade of W-4. The civilian equivalent of this military rank is roughly GS-8 under the federal government’s General Schedule payscale.

Is a CW3 a high rank?

Chief Warrant Officer 3 is the 16th rank in the United States Army , ranking above Chief Warrant Officer 2 and directly below Chief Warrant Officer 4.

What is a CW3 equivalent to?

A Chief Warrant Officer 3 is a Warrant Officer, with a military paygrade of W-3. The civilian equivalent of this military rank is roughly GS-8 under the federal government’s General Schedule payscale.

What rank is a CW4 equivalent to?

How much does a retired CW4 make?

Retired Pay Application

FY 2022
CW4 (W4) 0.535 0.605
CW3 (W3) 0.491 0.531
CW2 (W2) 0.431 0.447
WO1 (W1) 0.407 0.407

How do you address a CW5?

The correct way to address a Chief Warrant Officer 5 named Mr. Gutierrez is “Mr. Gutierrez or Chief Gutierrez”, or written as CW5 Gutierrez. In formal situations, a Chief Warrant Officer 5 should always be addressed by their full rank.