Is a carbon fiber seatpost worth it?

By having a set spring rate, a heavier rider will enjoy a more comfortable ride, while a lighter rider will feel more vibration and big hits. Carbon seatposts also perform much better with more exposed seatpost (2x more flex), which hands the better performance to taller riders.

Do carbon seat posts break?

Registered. carbon seatposts not only break from being run very high, but also from being run low, because the flex is in in a smaller area, i had an easton post do this.It wasn’t a catastrophic failure just a crack. I’d leave the carbon posts on the road bike and stick with a 7075 or 7005 mtb post, two bolt.

How do I stop my carbon seatpost seizing?

During your maintenance, one of the most important things you can do for the life of your frame is to make sure that your seatpost is not seized. Removing the post, cleaning it and the seattube, then applying a thin coat of grease or carbon paste will prevent seizing.

Can a carbon seatpost seize?

Carbon should be fairly easy to break so break the post and get it out. I’ve been fighting with seized seatposts this summer few times and only the latest one is really bad. After 3-4 years ~200mm of alu seat post inside of good quality steel frame, that you don’t want to break, is pretty tough job.

Can you put a carbon seatpost in an Aluminium frame?

Carbon will galvanically corrode with aluminum if it is not protected. Use CF assembly paste, it will keep the post from slipping at lower torques and protect the carbon/metal interface. Calfee and Zinn agree to grease all carbon posts, but some manufacturers say not to grease.

What is a zero offset seatpost?

Seatposts can be zero offset, or come with layback. A zero offset seatpost will place the saddle directly above the clamp – though of course you can adjust it forward and back on the rails.

How do I know if my carbon seatpost is cracked?

Look closely for scratches, especially anything deep or through the paint. With a dollar coin, tap on any suspect area and listen for a change in sound. A normal “tap” sound will become a dull thud when the carbon is broken. Gently push on the suspect area to feel if it’s softer than the surrounding area.

What is carbon assembly paste?

The Fenwicks carbon assembly paste is used to provide grip when fitting carbon or alloy components such as seat posts, handlebars or stems.

How do you grease a bike seat post?

Using your finger or a brush, apply a thin coat of new grease to the inside of the seat tube, or the outside of the seatpost. Re-insert the seat post to your preferred height, and clamp it in place. Use standard bicycle grease if your frame and seatpost are both any kind of metal (steel, aluminum, or titanium).

Does ammonia dissolve aluminum oxide?

Ammonia dissolves aluminum oxide, and automotive anti-freeze or cola (yes, the soft drink) often will as well; penetrating oil will only work with a steel seatpost in a steel frame.

How do you get a rusted seat post off?

Once you can turn the seatpost, you can run oil in between it and the seat tube, and the twisting action will distribute the oil, completely freeing the post. For steel seatposts stuck into steel frames, where the problem is often caused by rust, penetrating oil can do wonders.

Is carbon more comfortable than Aluminium?

The main disadvantage of aluminum frame is harsher ride, stiffness and also being the manufacturer is restricted on being able to control the frame flex in comparison to carbon. However, this also means they are less prone to complete failure and a good bike with quality aluminum can last a long time.