Is a 2 MB cache good?

The 4MB L2 cache can increase performance by as much as 10% in some situations. Such a performance improvement is definitely tangible, and as applications grow larger in their working data sets then the advantage of a larger cache will only become more visible.

What was the first ever D&D module?

History of official modules and adventures The first stand-alone Dungeons & Dragons adventure module, Palace of the Vampire Queen, was published in 1976 by Wee Warriors.

What is the best D&D 5e module?

Dungeons & Dragons: Best 5e Modules, Ranked

  1. 1 Curse Of Strahd. Curse of Strahd Cover Art via Wizards of the Coast.
  2. 2 Tales From The Yawning Portal.
  3. 3 Tomb Of Annihilation.
  4. 4 Lost Mines Of Phandelver.
  5. 5 Out Of The Abyss.
  6. 6 Descent Into Avernus.
  7. 7 Ghosts Of Saltmarsh.
  8. 8 The Wild Beyond The Witchlight.

How many DND modules are there?

The modules listed here are in three separate lists of official TSR Dungeons & Dragons modules only….

TSR# 9023
Title In Search of the Unknown
Levels 1–3
Author(s) Mike Carr
Published 1978

How does L2 cache affect performance?

The performance impact even is significant enough to say that L2 cache is the most important performance factor on an x86 microprocessor. Disabling the L2 cache will reduce system performance more than disabling a second CPU core of a dual-core processor. However, cache memory isn’t only a performance factor.

Is 8MB cache enough?

So, 8MB doesn’t speed up all your data access all the time, but it creates (4 times) larger data “bursts” at high transfer rates. Benchmarking finds that these drives perform faster – regardless of identical specs.” “8mb cache is a slight improvement in a few very special cases.

What is Dragon tyranny?

The Tyranny of Dragons was a Dungeons & Dragons storyline that began in August 2014. A number of Dungeons & Dragons adventures were published under the Tyranny of Dragons storyline. The storyline also extended to the fourth and fifth Neverwinter modules, Tyranny of Dragons and Rise of Tiamat.

What is the hardest D&D module?

Inside Tomb of Horrors
It challenges players, and it challenges different design philosophies.

Is Strahd hard?

Difficulty. Curse of Strahd is best as an adventure for more intermediate players. Much of it is beginner-friendly, but there are also several instances and areas where the difficulty greatly spikes. A few moments, in particular, aren’t even pretending to be fair!

What do you run after Phandelver?

You might check out Storm Lord’s Wrath, Sleeping Dragon’s Wake and Divine Contention. Those adventures take place near Phandalin and make a good sequel to Lost Mines or Icespire Peaks (both being starter adventures in Phandalin). They are also relatively inexpensive as well.