Is 30lb dumbbell curl good?

Yes, curling 30 lb dumbbells for reps is good, providing that your lifting technique is also good. The more reps that you can perform with good form, the more impressive curling 30 lbs is.

Is curling 50 pound dumbbells good?

Yes, curling 50 lb dumbbells for reps is a very impressive feat of strength for someone who lifts weights regularly. Obviously, the more reps and sets that you perform and the better your form is, the more impressive a 50 pound bicep curl is.

Do biceps need heavy weight?

“But to build bigger biceps and triceps you have to focus on perfect form, moving through a full range of motion and, crucially, never lifting too heavy. The key to adding arm size is to getting a good pump through lifting lighter for longer – and executing every rep as perfectly as possible.”

Is 40 lbs bicep curl good?

Yes, in general, curling 40 lbs dumbbells for reps is an impressive feat of strength, providing that you’re lifting technique is good.

Is curling 45 pound dumbbells good?

For a one-rep max, a 45 lb dumbbell curl is pretty good for a novice lifter. However, if you consider yourself an intermediate weight lifting enthusiast, then you should be able to do 45 lb dumbbell curls for at least 5-6 reps per arm.

Is curling 80 pound dumbbells good?

What is this? An 80 lb barbell curl is a good amount of weight to lift, providing that your form is strict. Obviously, an 80 pound barbell curl isn’t going to catch anyone’s attention (unless you’re really skinny), but lifting that amount of weight can build a serious amount of biceps size if you train consistently.

How many kg should I bicep curl?

The average bicep curl weight in kilograms is 50 kg (barbell) and 22.5 kg (dumbbell). These male bicep curl standards are one-rep max lifts. For 6-10 reps, most men should be able to curl around 35 kg with a barbell and 15 kg with dumbbells.