Is 180 lbs obese?

A person weighing 180 pounds and being 6’2” is a normal weight; however, a person weighing 180 pounds and standing 5’2” is considered obese. BMI takes into consideration both factors to determine a healthy weight for people of differing heights.

What is the BMI for 188 cm?


Normal Weight Overweight
185cm (1.85m) 65 86
188cm (1.88m) 67 88
191cm (1.91m) 69 91
193cm (1.93m) 71 93

How much should I weigh for my BMI?

Height: Weight: Your BMI is , indicating your weight is in the category for adults of your height. For your height, a healthy weight range would be from to pounds….Adult BMI Calculator.

BMI Weight Status
Below 18.5 Underweight
18.5—24.9 Healthy
25.0—29.9 Overweight
30.0 and Above Obese

How can I lose weight if I weigh 180?

If you’re starting out at 180 pounds, cutting your current intake by 500 to 1,000 calories daily will help you lose you about 1 to 2 pounds a week. But eating a healthy diet is more important than obsessing about calories.

Is 185 pounds fat?

According to the standards of body mass index, the answer likely is yes. The bottom line: BMI results can be startling. For a 5-foot-6 male, a weight over 150 pounds is considered overweight and higher than 185 pounds is obese. For a 6-footer, 185 pounds is overweight and 225 is obese.

What weight is a BMI of 40?

People with a BMI of 40 or greater, or approximately 100 pounds over their idea body weight. People who have a BMI between 35 and 40 and at least one significant obesity-related health condition, such as sleep apnea, diabetes or heart disease, may also be candidates for surgery.

How do you calculate BMI example?

How to check BMI (Imperial).

  1. Body Mass Index (BMI) = (weight (lbs) / height (in2) x 703.
  2. Example: Your weight = 150 lbs / Your height = 65 in (5’5″)
  3. BMI Calculation: 150 ÷ 652 x 703 = 24.96.

What is my healthiest weight?

Weight and height guide chart

Height Normal weight BMI 19–24 Obesity BMI 30–39
5ft (60 in”) 97–123 lb 153–199 lb
5 ft 1 in (61 in) 100–127 lb 158–206 lb
5 ft 2 in (62 in) 104–131 lb 164–213 lb
5 ft 3 in (63 in) 107–135 lb 169–220 lb

How many pounds do I need to lose to lower my BMI?

Because BMI is calculated based on body weight, lowering your BMI involves losing weight. Plan to lose between 1 and 2 pounds per week, which you can achieve by eating 500 to 1,000 calories less than you burn each day.