Is 135 a good barbell curl?

Yes, a 135 pound barbell curl is attainable for natural lifters with well-above-average bicep strength and plenty of training experience.

What is a good weight for barbell curl kg?

The average bicep curl weight in kilograms is 50 kg (barbell) and 22.5 kg (dumbbell). These male bicep curl standards are one-rep max lifts. For 6-10 reps, most men should be able to curl around 35 kg with a barbell and 15 kg with dumbbells.

What is the world record for a bicep curl?

The heaviest strict curl ever recorded is a 114 kg (251 lb) lift performed by LeRoy Walker on the 28th of August 2021. This world record bicep curl is a 1 kg improvement on the previous 2015 record set by arm wrestler Denis Cyplenkov, who has some of the largest biceps in the world.

What is the world record curl weight?

On August 28, 2021, powerlifter Leroy Walker made history by setting the all-time world record in the strict curl, with a 114-kilogram (250-pound) lift.

Is 50 kg barbell curl good?

Yes, a 50 kilogram barbell curl is a very good lift, irrespective of whether that’s a one-rep max or for multiple repetitions.

Is 30kg barbell curl good?

Still, a 30 kg barbell curl provides enough resistance for the vast majority of lifters to build very well-developed biceps. This is because the biceps are a relatively small muscle group that needs a lot less resistance than people think in order to grow.

Is 25kg barbell curl good?

Yes, a 25 kg bicep curl—even if it’s only for one rep—is very impressive indeed. I am, of course, talking about a 25 kg dumbbell curl. If you can dumbbell curl 25 kg for multiple reps with good technique, then you probably have some very well-developed biceps.

How much can Eddie Hall curl?

Midlands strongman Eddie has trained mostly for power. The competition demands him to complete 135kg log presses, bicep curl 60kg dumbbells and even deadlift 500kg. At his peak he would weigh in at 200kg (31.5 stone).

Who has the record for heaviest curl?

Famous arm wrestler Denis Cyplenkov is the new strict curls world record holder, with a curl of 113 kg/249.12 lbs.

Is it possible to curl 315?

It’s virtually impossible to curl 300 lbs or 315 lbs without using some momentum. Magnus Samuelsson’s technique was the strictest, and even he used some slight momentum during the concentric phase of his reps. These examples just go to show that the strength of the biceps is far greater than most people imagine.

Is 20kg barbell curl good?

Yes, a 20 kg bicep curl is a very good lift that can lead to impressively developed bicep muscles. Curling 20 kg in each hand for multiple reps is highly challenging for the vast majority of lifters and will lead to noticeable hypertrophy when you use good technique.